Saturday, July 25, 2009

While the AG and the PC morons in Congress are pushing 'hate crime' legislation, (updated)

I wonder if they'll bother to be troubled by stuff like this:
...When it emerged that the four female Quebecers were, in fact, Muslim, the tearful parents offered up a strange tale of an impromptu midnight driving lesson gone tragically wrong (Driving Lesson May Have Led To Drowning).

La Presse is now reporting that the girls' father, mother, and brother have been arrested en route to Montreal Airport, and that the deceased "aunt" or (alternatively) "cousin" was, in fact, the girls' father's first wife. The words "crime d'honneur" are beginning to creep into newspaper accounts
But wait! There's MORE!!
Police say 14-year-old Kinza Kaianad died Monday evening at Kingston General Hospital as a result of injuries she sustained Saturday in a hotel pool in Gananoque, roughly 30 kilometres east of Kingston.

Her mother, 43-year-old Naila Yasmin, died in hospital on Sunday.

Yasmin, Kaianad and another daughter, age 11, were found unconscious in the indoor hotel pool just before 9 a.m. Saturday
Seems to me that you'd have to hate someone a fair amount to do something like this to them, but since muslims are a protected species according to Holder, they can't possibly be guilty of a hate crime. As Steyn says,
In other circumstances, they'd be planning the movie with Ashley Judd or some such as the crusading feminist Assistant DA. But as the M-word's involved I expect poor Zainab Shafi and the rest will be quickly forgotten.
Yeah, it's not like some evil white guy, probably Christian or Jewish, committed multiple murders in the name of 'honor'.

You know, there's a real disconnect between cultures about that word: take some dirt-poor hillbilly, someone rapes his daughter he'll give the sheriff a chance to do something about it, and if he doesn't, out comes the scattergun or rifle to deal with the rapist; the idea of killing his own daughter because she had brought shame on the family, generally wouldn't occur.

Update: take a look at this.

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