Sunday, July 05, 2009

Two things to point out this Sunday

First, can someone tell Colin Powell to shut the hell up and get off the stage? I'm going to borrow a chunk of what Denny has to say:
Colin Powell, one of President Obama's most prominent Republican supporters, expressed concern Friday that the president's ambitious blitz of costly initiatives may be enlarging the size of government and the federal debt too much.

"I'm concerned at the number of programs that are being presented, the bills associated with these programs and the additional government that will be needed to execute them," Mr. Powell said in an excerpt of an interview with CNN's John King, released by the network Friday morning.

Jesus H. Christ, General Powell, weren't you paying attention during the campaign? He's only doing what he said he would do. This is "hope and change". Tax and spend. That's what Dimocrats do. They just can't help themselves. When it comes to spending they make big spending Republicans look like pikers.

Mr. Powell, a retired U.S. army general who rose to political prominence after a long and accomplished military career, said that health care reform and many of Mr. Obama's other initiatives are "important" to Americans.

But, he said, "one of the cautions that has to be given to the president -- and I've talked to some of his people about this -- is that you can't have so many things on the table that you can't absorb it all."

You don't understand, General. He has to get all this shit rammed through before the American people awaken to find the national debt quadrupled and turn Congress over to the Republicans.

"And we can't pay for it all," said Mr. Powell, who was the first African-American to serve as secretary of state, under former President George W. Bush.

I got sick of Powell a long time ago. We're supposed to listen to this clown? Let us remember, this is the guy who lectured us about how we needed 'moderate'(i.e. Democrat Lite) candidates to get 'moderates' to vote Stupid Party; between them the Stupid Party and media gave us McCain, the Least Repulsive Democrat in the Election as a candidate. McCain was just what Powell was describing, and what did he do? He endorsed and voted for and worked for Obama. But we're supposed to do what he says because "He can fix the Stupid Party!" Yeah, he'll fix it good, and screw things up even worse and push Evil Party Lite candidates who won't win. Powell, you may have been a good general, but just like I don't give McCain slack because of his military past, you ain't getting it either. Either you're a liar, claiming this crap Obama is doing is a surprise, or you're a fool for believing his lies. Either way, go away.

The second is a bit more on the wonders of socialized medicine:
A three-year-old girl awaiting heart surgery has had her operation cancelled three times this month because of a shortage of beds.

Ella Cotterell was due to have aorta-widening surgery on Monday at the Children’s Hospital, Bristol. But 48 hours beforehand, the operation was cancelled for the third time as all 15 beds in the intensive care unit were occupied, her parents said.

A hospital spokesman said that procedures would be reviewed, but the case highlights a growing problem of cancelled operations in the NHS.

More than 57,000 surgeries were postponed for non-clinical reasons, including a lack of beds, last year – 10 per cent more than the previous year.
Ms Davis, who works part-time as an accident and emergency nurse at the Frenchay Hospital in Bristol, said that she was devastated when she was told there were not enough beds.

“My husband and I were in tears,” she said. “When our six-year-old son Liam asked what was wrong we told him Ella’s operation had been cancelled again and he said we should tell Gordon Brown.”

Which wouldn't do much good, since Brown is one of the socialist morons responsible for the mess.
“We have asked the doctors if she really needs the surgery as she is so happy at the moment and is running around like a normal little girl, but she could drop down dead at any moment,” Ms Davis said.

“Twice I have been told that she may not make it through the night and there have been times when I have gone into her room in the morning and wondered whether she’d still be breathing
I've been through a bit of that, though not for this kind of idiotic reason; trust me, it ain't fun. Nohow.
She called on the Government to put more money into the NHS before a child died on the waiting list.
Problem is, they've been pouring money in to NHS for decades now, and it's gotten them this mess. Keep pouring money in, and it'll keep wasting it and this kind of crap will just continue. Just like it will here if Obama & Buttmonkeys Inc. manage to shove their scheme down our throats.

I lost track of who linked to this story, but I do remember his comment: "But the healthcare is FREE! If you live long enough to get it." About covers it.

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