Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Some on the current situation in Iran

here; check this out:
"Ali Khamenei, told his cluster of top advisers two days ago that it was time to totally shut down the protests, and he ordered that any and all demonstrators, regardless of their status, be arrested (although there is no longer room for new prisoners in Tehran’s jails; they are now using sports arenas as holding areas). He further ordered that all satellite dishes be taken down (good luck with that one; there are probably millions of them in Tehran alone). He ordered that the crackdown be done at night, to avoid all those annoying videos"
So, I wonder where he's planning to store everyone? Gee, wouldn't thugs on the roofs make nice targets?(just sayin'...) And while he doesn't give a crap about people who dare protest being beaten and crippled and killed, those annoying videos of it are causing him problems in the world; ain't that just turrible?

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