Monday, July 13, 2009

Roundup morning

"We can't decide if this was a hate crime or not." I mean, it's confusing, just because a whole bunch of black males beat the crap out of a white family and put the father in the hospital while yelling "This is a black world", why would anyone think it's a hate crime? You'll also notice that the news story manages to get all the way through without mentioning the race of the attackers; sounds like they've been taking lessons from some papers in Australia.

Democrat majority leader in House says won't do job or ask others to do it:
Hoyer, a Maryland Democrat, is the majority leader in the House of Representatives. At a news conference last week, he was talking about the healthcare overhaul being drafted on Capitol Hill, and a reporter asked whether he would support a pledge committing members of Congress to read the bill before voting on it, and to make the full text of the legislation available to the public online for 72 hours before the vote takes place.

That, reported CNSNews, gave Hoyer the giggles: The majority leader “found the idea of the pledge humorous, laughing as he responded to the question. ‘I’m laughing because . . . I don’t know how long this bill is going to be, but it’s going to be a very long bill,’ he said.’’

Then came one of those classic Washington gaffes that Michael Kinsley famously defined as “when a politician tells the truth.’’ Hoyer conceded that if lawmakers had to carefully study the bill ahead of time, they would never vote for it. “If every member pledged to not vote for it if they hadn’t read it in its entirety, I think we would have very few votes,’’ he said. The majority leader was declaring, in other words, that it is more important for Congress to pass the bill than to understand it
Right there's a reason for a trip to DC with large amounts of tar and feathers.

AG Holder proves, once more, he's a jackass who shouldn't be in that office.
Holder, 58, may be on the verge of asserting his independence in a profound way. Four knowledgeable sources tell NEWSWEEK that he is now leaning toward appointing a prosecutor to investigate the Bush administration's brutal interrogation practices, something the president has been reluctant to do. While no final decision has been made, an announcement could come in a matter of weeks, say these sources, who decline to be identified discussing a sensitive law-enforcement matter. Such a decision would roil the country, would likely plunge Washington into a new round of partisan warfare, and could even imperil Obama's domestic priorities, including health care and energy reform. Holder knows all this, and he has been wrestling with the question for months. "I hope that whatever decision I make would not have a negative impact on the president's agenda," he says. "But that can't be a part of my decision."
Yeah, let's prosecute people for giving advice to the President, etc., etc., that's a GREAT idea. Then people giving advice to Obama can look forward to being prosecuted in the future; that'll inspire them!

Yeah, this here is REAL journalism, all that nasty racism at those righty websites...
A Vancouver reporter accused Free Republic of allowing racist comments this weekend.
But, oddly enough, this same Vancouver Sun reporter, Chris Parry, has a very controversial background. He has advocated on Daily Kos for liberals to post hate speech on conservative blogs and blame it on conservatives.
What a strange coincidence?
Gawker reported:

But the real story here is that this same reporter and Daily Kos contributer has advocated on his Daily Kos blog any number of egregious offenses, among them: posting hate speech on sites like Free Republic and blaming it on conservatives.

It gets worse, though. Chris Parry, it appears, has advocated on his Daily Kos blog any number of egregious offenses, among them: posting hate speech on sites like Free Republic and blaming it on conservatives. Parry posted under the name "hollywoodoz" on Daily Kos, where his signature was "Fool me once, I'll punch you in the f*cking head." Parry outed himself as hollywoodoz here, where he discloses the company he helped start. In essence: Parry, the journalist, found his story right where he'd been circling it for a very long time, and reported it as news. Sigh.

Bottom line: Parry's noble intentions are paving him a road to hell...
'Noble intentions' my ass; what's noble about faking posts so you can have a story?

You just have to wonder why some people would want to keep some programs secret from some people in Congress:
The law requires the president to make sure the intelligence committees “are kept fully and currently informed of the intelligence activities of the United States, including any significant anticipated intelligence activity.” But the language of the statute, the amended National Security Act of 1947, leaves some leeway for judgment, saying such briefings should be done “to the extent consistent with due regard for the protection from unauthorized disclosure of classified information relating to sensitive intelligence sources and methods or other exceptionally sensitive matters.”

Those democrats sure are working fast.

It only took them two weeks to get this leak on the front page of the NY Times.
Maybe they even helped write it?
It has to grate something fierce on people at times; they want to abide by the law, but they also don't want secret information handed over to the NYEffing Times to be published. And they can't trust a bunch of people in Congress to keep it secret.

"This just in: Obama comes across as strongman!"
Obama avoided the rookie mistake that John F. Kennedy committed at his first summit meeting in 1961, when the new president left the Russians thinking he was young, untested and uncertain.
Yeah, he just looked like frickin' Teddy Roosevelt. This guy should be drying laundry with his spin.

I haven't had time to read this whole piece, a pretty good slam on Obama and the economy. Especially look at the chart on the 'like the Great Depression' noise, AND remember the Depression wound up what it was because of people doing some of the same crap Obama is pushing.

Jimmy Carter on Steroids:

This is like Jimmy Carter on steroids. He can clobber your home, he can clobber you savings and your pensions, he can clobber your job, and he can basically end the dollar as a world currency. He can clobber your health care, he can get you on every front.

So what makes so many people still like him? He’s cool!

Steyn again:

So he would have to be the coolest dude on the planet to make it worth voting for him just for his sheer cool instead of what he’s saying.

The lesson here is, listen to him on the radio, don’t watch him on TV. Or read him in the cold grey light of print. Do you actually like what he says in the cold grey light of print? Do you like the policies; cause if you don’t no matter how cool he is it’s not going to make up for your collapsed home price and unemployment and a shattered retirement savings plan.

That's enough for one morning, I need some air.

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