Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Racist laws in Britain become even more racist

in order to 'prevent' racists from becoming meaner. Or something.
London: In a bid to stop Muslim extremists from becoming more militant, the UK Government is set to issue a guideline for police, directing them not to charge them in many hate crime cases, a move that has created outrage amongst critics.

Guidelines will tell forces to press for conviction only in cases of clear-cut criminal acts, and refrain from proceeding when evidence of lawbreaking is “borderline.”

Officers will be advised to turn a blind eye on crimes such as incitement to religious hatred or viewing extremist material on the Internet
So politically-correct racists will get extra space. Wonderful.
Critics, however, saw the move as a politically correct attempt to appease extremists who hate Britain, and warned that the move could mean Islamic radicals being give the freedom to encourage violence.

“This sounds like abject surrender. Everyone should be equal in the eyes of the law. They should all face the same risk of prosecution. There should be no special favours or treatment for any section of the community,” Tory MP David Davies said
It IS surrender, and you're going to pay the price. You know it, but the excuse is
The move follows an updated Home Office counter-terrorism strategy announced earlier this year.
A Home Office spokesman said: “Preventing people becoming radicalised is a key priority for the Government. The police response needs to be proportionate to deal with crimes people commit while reducing the risk to public safety.”

So letting muslims commit hate crimes will, what, keep them from committing more hate crimes? Why? Since they won't pay a price.

I think the idea of hate crimes is idiotic: assault is assault, murder is murder, prosecute the crime and stop playing mind-reading games. But if you're going to have the damn things, THEY HAVE TO APPLY TO EVERYONE, or they're just a form of official racism.

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