Friday, July 03, 2009

Just a collection of idiocy out there today

In (fG)Britain,
Escaped prisoners who are on the run will not be named in case it breaches their right to privacy, civil servants have ruled. The edict has been made even though many convicts are fully identified with photographs sent out by police at the time they go on the run.

Ministry of Justice officials say the Data Protection Act means they are unable to confirm the names of escaped prisoners still at large.Justice Secretary Jack Straw is being urged to investigate the ruling amid fears it could undermine public appeals to track down escaped prisoners.

The policy was revealed when the ministry refused a Freedom Of Information request to name inmates on the run from Holleseley Bay prison near Woodbridge, Suffolk.

I guess I shouldn't be too hard on Britain, it's not the only place with such morons. Tim Blair used to keep track of cases in Australia where people were told to watch out for people who'd committed robberies, rapes, etc., and there was a description with no mention of the race of the dirtbag. It was felt to be 'discriminatory' to actually mention that a black or white or Indian or whatever rapist was black or white or Indian or whatever.

I repeat, idiocy abounds.

raided the yeshiva of Homesh in Samaria on Wednesday and torched dozens of books of the Talmud and of the Five Books of Moses, leaving behind a pile of ashes. The arsonists ignored personal equipment, including beds, tables and chairs, and concentrated all their energies on Jewish texts.

“It was a horrible sight to see dozen of holy books of the Talmud and Bible burned almost completely,” said Rabbi Elishama Cohen, head of the yeshiva that has been the stronghold of the community the past two years. Homesh was one of four towns in northern Samaria that the government destroyed after expelling the residents during the “Disengagement” program four years ago.
This part is just disgusting, here's the idiocy(and more disgusting):
Communications Minister Moshe Kahlon commented, “Whoever has not yet understood with whom we are dealing should look at the pictures of the burnt holy books. If Jews had burned dozens of Muslim books, the whole world would be shaking.”
AND demanding reparations of some kind AND demanding the nasty Jews apologize AND demanding they make some kind of national apology AND...

Then there's the idiotic statement by Krugman, another Nobel Prize winner, that questioning Globular Warmering is 'treason against the planet'; response:
The actual 4.6 billion-year old planet, survivor of multitudes of asteroid hits, Milankovitch cycle changes, magnetic pole reversals, solar and cosmic radiation, myriad volcanic caldera collapses, mantle plume eruptions, etc., etc. doesn’t give a rat’s ass about a few degrees Celsius or what idiots like Krugman think.

Well, I have to move back into the 'disgusting' category:
Pakistan's top Taliban leader, Baitullah Mehsud, is buying children as young as 7 to serve as suicide bombers in the growing spate of attacks against Pakistani, Afghan and U.S. targets, U.S. Defense Department and Pakistani officials say.

A Pakistani official, who spoke on the condition that he not be named because of the sensitive nature of the topic, said the going price for child bombers was $7,000 to $14,000 - huge sums in Pakistan, where per-capita income is about $2,600 a year
Yes, it's another interesting action by devotees of the Religion of Pieces of People.
No, I'm not feeling tolerant; too damn many muslims have claimed that crap like this 'does not represent Islam' and then defended the scumbags who do these things.

That's about it for now, I've got some polishing to do.

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