Friday, July 10, 2009

It seems those bills by Alcee Hastings(Impeached Dirtbag-Evil Party)

is getting some of the attention it deserves:
What's wrong with this picture? The federal government spends billions on homeland security, but apparently can't stop foreigners from illegally crossing the border or overstaying their visas. The Obama administration wants to bring violent terrorists captured overseas to the mainland and close the military detention center at Guantanamo Bay. Yet in the latest bizarre twist, legislation quietly making its way through Congress would give the White House power to categorize political opponents as hate groups and even send Americans to detention centers on abandoned military bases.
Another Hastings bill (HR 645) authorizes $360 million in 2009 and 2010 to set up "not fewer than six national emergency centers on military installations" capable of housing "a large number of individuals affected by an emergency or major disaster." But Section 2 (b) 4 allows the Secretary of Homeland Security to use the camps "to meet other appropriate needs" - none of which are specified. This is the kind of blank check that Congress should never, ever sign
Hell, no, they shouldn't. But with clowns like Hastings and Pelosi there, you know some of them are drooling at the idea.


  1. Windy Wilson9:28 AM

    "The Obama administration wants to bring violent terrorists captured overseas to the mainland and . . . categorize political opponents as hate groups and even send Americans to detention centers on abandoned military bases."

    Well, we did (And I don't mean you or I, or many of your readers personally) elect a man who believes in conciliation with one's enemies and estrangement from one's allies.

    And btwe, the verification word is "cripe", as in "why the cripe is the new administration doing what it condemned when it claimed the previous administration was doing it?"

  2. Windy Wilson9:33 AM

    "'to meet other appropriate needs' - none of which are specified."

    Someone once pointed out that both the German Weimar Constitution and the Constitution of the late,unlamented Soviet Union both contained virtually all the protective and limiting language of the Constitution of the United States, but the flaw was that in each Constitution each limitation or protection was followed with some variant of the language you point out here. And that made all the difference in the world, because every tyrant can find a necessity for any monstrous act.


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