Wednesday, July 08, 2009

I know I rag on Canada for their health system, but let's not forget

they're also the 'free speech for some' capital of North America:
Our lesson for Dominion Day comes from Jennifer Lynch, QC (Queen Censor):

Words and ideas have power. That power, while overwhelmingly positive, can also be used to undermine democracy and freedom... Hateful words have the power to harm. They can isolate and marginalize our fellow citizens, not because of what people have said or done, but solely because of their personal characteristics, such as ethnicity, religion, race or sexual orientation.

Hateful words can harm. So if you write a piece for Maclean's quoting hateful words like "mosquito" and "sheep" you'll be investigated by three different "human rights" commissions. If you publish some anodyne cartoons in The Western Standard with accompanying hateful captions about "freedom of speech", Shirlene McGovern will haul you in for interrogation. If you're a stand-up comedian and you put down two drunk lesbian hecklers using hateful words like "drunk" and "lesbian", you'll be put on trial by the Government of British Columbia. If you write a hateful letter to a small local newspaper in Alberta objecting to "the homosexual agenda", you'll be given a lifetime speech ban.

But, if you're Salman Hossain and you want to expound on the benefits of killing Canadian troops and shooting Jews, party on:

'I hope the German brothers were gonna blow up US-German bases in their country. We should do that here in Canada as well. Kill as many western soldiers as well so that they think twice before entering foreign countries on behalf of their Jew masters,' he wrote...

In addition, he singles out Jews, writing: 'When do I get to shoot a few Jews down for attempting to blow up dozens of mosques in America right after 9-11 - why f---ing target the Americans when the Jews are better?'

And that's no problem; why?
'The OPP reviewed the case with Crown counsel. As a result of that review, it was determined that insufficient grounds existed to support willful promotion of hatred charges,' said Detective-Sergeant Brent Young.

What could possibly account for the otherwise proscriptive Canadian state's apparently boundless tolerance of Mr Hossain? It couldn't be his name, could it?

Len Rudner may be 'perplexed' at how such obviously hateful utterances failed to pass muster with the cops. Me? Not so much. It’s clear that had Hossain’s last name been, say, Keegstra or Ahenakew--or even Boisson--the full weight of the law would have been brought down to bear on him. But since he was neither white, nor a Nazi, nor a Christian, but is an Islamic Jew-hater, authorities decided to drop it lest they incur the acrimony of local Muslims, with whom they are endeavouring so hard to 'build bridges.'

If our IdiotAttorney General has his way on his idiot 'hate crimes' law, look for this kind of crap to happen here.

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