Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Fausta has some new stuff on Honduras

Costa Rican President Óscar Arias will mediate talks beginning Thursday to resolve Honduras’s political crisis, in an effort spurred by the U.S. to stave off confrontations between deposed President Manuel Zelaya and the provisional government that ousted him.

The U.S. also strengthened its support Tuesday for Mr. Zelaya, who was forced into exile by the Honduran army on June 28. President Barack Obama called for his restoration and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with him in Washington
Yep, we've got Jimmy Carter II; never meets a tyrant he doesn't like.

Further down,
Valenzuela acknowledged “probably … significant influence” from Chavez on Zelaya, but said the Honduran military should not have deposed and exiled Zelaya without judicial process. Supporters of the coup in Honduras say it was a lawful removal.
To borrow a phrase, well DUH! on Chavez being involved(also, take a look here). And you'll notice all these clowns keep saying crap about 'judicial process' but ignoring the fact that it WAS by judicial process that this traitor to Honduras was removed from office. She's also got this picture:
Honduras is an example to the world. We don’t have oil or dollars, but we have balls. Unlike our President.

Interestingly, she also notes this:
“The US appears to abandon Manuel Zelaya. Clinton said she talked directly with Micheletti, and stated he accepted that Arias will assume that role in the conflict”; the article also says that for the first time she abstained from mentioning that the US insists on Zelaya’s reinstatement. This article, as you can see, directly contradicts the WSJ article above.
So maybe all the attention to the tyrant wannabe's actions and associations and people asking "Why the hell are you trying to force this jerk back on those people?" is having an effect. We'll see.

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