Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Well, so the muslim who murdered one US soldier and wounded another

was being investigated by the FBI.
The suspect arrested in the fatal shooting of one soldier and the critical injury of another at a Little Rock, Ark., Army recruiting booth today was under investigation by the FBI's Joint Terrorist Task Force since his return from Yemen, ABC News has learned.

The investigation was in its preliminary stages, authorities said, and was based on the suspect's travel to Yemen and his arrest there for using a Somali passport
. Oh, and look at this:
While there, Muhammad — a U.S. citizen from Memphis who is a recent convert to Islam and was previously known as Carlos Bledsoe — studied jihad with an Islamic scholar, Jihadwatch.org reported.
And from the ABC report: But, Muhammad's travels overseas have sparked a major international investigation. Officials say it is too early to know for certain if he indeed acted alone.
What. The. Hell. He was arrested in YEMEN for using a SOMALI passport? And was studying jihad? Yeah, that indicates that Pres. B. Cartman Obama's plan to have some of the dirtbags he wants to release from Gitmo loose in the US will have NO problems, right? Since the FBI & Co. will be watching them? Like they were presumably watching this clown?

Speaking of President Obama, has anyone seen any statement from the White House condemning this murder and near-murder, this terrorist attack on US soil? Any condemnation of the terrorist? I damn sure haven't. I seem to recall that after that abortionist was murdered, there was a pretty prompt statement released about that; but maybe American troops being attacked and killed on American soil just isn't as important to the President. Or maybe he's just too busy playing makeup with the Queen for having crapped on her, or wondering why the Chinese laughed when told their assets are safe. Or he was too busy worrying about the weenies he's put in charge of the auto industry screwing things up even worse.

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