Monday, June 15, 2009

So Obama finally speaks on Iran,

and he's 'deeply troubled'. But not so troubled that he won't talk to Ahmadinnerjacket, still without preconditions.
The Obama administration is determined to press on with efforts to engage the Iranian government, senior officials said Saturday, despite misgivings about irregularities in the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Just damn wonderful, isn't it?

Michael Totten is keeping a running story going on the mess over there.

Of course, it's possible The One is distracted by what his friends in ACORN are doing in New York:
On Thursday, some 150 protestors -- many of them from the thuggish far-left group ACORN -- turned up outside the Senate chamber and actually assaulted members of the Republican faction.

The demonstrators nearly knocked to the floor Sen. James Alesi (of upstate Monroe County); they also spat in the face of his chief of staff, according to published reports.

Not only was this violence uncalled for, the ACORN crowd shouldn't even have been there in the first place: The Senate lobby is a restricted area, and public protests are explicitly prohibited
Which means someone gave the order to let them in. Question is, are these clowns under arrest? And if not, why the hell not? This is actual physical assault; even if the Evil Party head of the Senate decided to let them in, that doesn't excuse this crap.(pointed to by the Real King of France)

Or, maybe Pres. B. Hussein Cartman Obama was too busy breaking the law he likes to take credit for and otherwise acting unethically:
Senator Charles Grassley has demanded records from the Obama administration over the dismissal of the Inspector General for Americorps and raises the possibility that Barack Obama broke a law he co-sponsored in the Senate that protects the independence of the IGs. The firing comes as the Obama administration cut a sweetheart deal with a major Obama backer that allows him to receive federal funding as mayor of Sacramento, and fails to repay taxpayers for the money Kevin Johnson admittedly took illegally:

Veep Biden tries to claim 'everybody' was wrong about the effects of the 'stimulus'; is noted as being full of crap.

It started sprinkling about the time I posted on the weather last night; then it thunderstormed during the night. Now they're saying slight chance tonight and damn hot & clear the next few days; which will help the wheat harvest(what there is of it) and broil everyone else. I need to get an icemaker.


  1. Anonymous5:54 PM

    We had some rain today. Loved every second of it! The icemaker in my freezer is making noises like it is in pain. It just started that the other day and I was like, "WHAT THE FLIP?" I'm not going to worry with it until it stops making ice. I can live with the noise.

  2. "...on the darkest day there's always light, and now I see it too...but I never liked the rain till I walked through it with you..." Sorry, I just couldn't resist, that's the tune that came to mind there. ;-)

  3. Anonymous7:45 AM

    No need for an apology. This is one of the things that you are known for. Run with it.

  4. "I believe in miracles! Where you from, you sexy thaang?" Yeah, that's what's on now. And you oughta see the grin on my face. ;-)

  5. Anonymous9:51 AM

    LOL! I believe I sing that song better than they do!

  6. Anonymous11:38 AM

    You are just way too sweet. I squish you!

  7. Anonymous8:18 PM

    OH MY GOD!

    You are SO not going to believe this!! Maybe that YouTube has it up by now.....look up Sugarland's performance on tonight's CMT awards. I am still not well. :(

    YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE IT!! Of all the effing songs out there!

  8. "If ya see a painted sign at the side of the road..."

  9. Anonymous8:44 PM

    OH GOD! It hurts! Make it stop!!!

  10. " ears! They beurn! Get it away!"

  11. Anonymous8:52 PM

    LOLOLOLOL.....AWESOME! Simply awesome. I am laughing like crazy! I remember you saying that about your eyes when I said something about that one chick cheerleading squad!

  12. "She once was a cheerleader...but now she's the whole entire squad!" Oh yeah, that was just awesome. I remember, oh yes I do... ;-)

  13. Anonymous8:59 PM

    I bet you're like "uuuugggghhhh" right now!

  14. Yeah, I sure am. You're gonna make me start singing a certain Stevie Wonder song. I'll make YOU think uuuuuggggh. ;-)

    " were shot down for the sake of fun, or just to hear the noise of their forty-four guns, and there's fire on the mountain, lightnin' in the in them hills and it's waitin' for me there..."

  15. Anonymous9:03 PM

    you still have your hotmail? So we don't fill up Firehand's place.


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