Sunday, June 28, 2009

Right now, where I'm sitting, it's 0822 in the morning

and almost 83 F. As my host described it, "It's not too bad so long as you remember to take a chunk of air and chew well before inhaling."

Last night, and this morning, there's not a breath of air stirring. As in neither the flag nor the little leaves on the ends of twigs are even slightly stirring. Sort of like being in the warm-up cycle of one of those high-humidity bread ovens.

I do have to yell about the House passing Cap & Tax the other day. For which everyone who voted 'yes' should be tarred, feathered and either run out of town on a rail or hanged; depends on if there's enough rope available. From what I heard Friday you had lots of chickenshit politicians more worried about making Nancy Pelosi happy than about what the people back home think; you folks can solve their problem by making sure they don't keep sitting in that office.

And, by the way, this was on ANOTHER bill that they had no real idea what all was there. For which, at this point, I'd recommend a permanent vacation from 'public service' all by itself.

bleah. that's enough for now. I need to find my 'how to tie a noose' directions..

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