Friday, June 19, 2009

One of the places I don't look at often enough is

Closing Velocity, whose second-to-last post points out that President B. Hussein Cartman Obama seems to have realized(or is just scared of the polls; he IS an Evil Party member) that missile defense just might be a good thing after all, but the idiocy still prevails at this time:

Well, someone at Obama's Pentagon got the message, for Hawaii is being fortified with a new deployment of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) interceptors and the SBX is finally putting to sea:

Mr. Gates told reporters that the U.S. is positioning a sophisticated floating radar array in the ocean around Hawaii to track an incoming missile. The U.S. is also deploying missile-defense weapons to Hawaii that would theoretically be capable of shooting down a North Korean missile, should such an order be given, he said.

"We do have some concerns if they were to launch a missile to the west, in the direction of Hawaii," Mr. Gates said.

Gates went on to say that the long range Ground-Based Interceptors (GBIs) in Alaska --- slated to be cut by Obama, but-that's-not-important-right-now --- were also ready to engage:

Although Gates did not explicitly say that the U.S. would try to shoot down a test missile aimed in the direction of Hawaii, he noted that interceptor missiles in California and Alaska were ready.

"The ground-based interceptors are clearly in a position to take action," Gates said. "So without telegraphing what we will do, I would just say, I think we are in a good position, should it become necessary to protect American territory."

Perhaps the reality of missile defense is setting in on a few of the adults in Washington. Or more likely, perhaps someone's watching the polls:

A new Gallup Poll finds 51% of Americans saying North Korea currently poses a direct threat to U.S. security. That is the highest percentage seen for eight countries or territories tested in the poll whose political climates or ongoing conflicts present a threat to U.S. interests in the world.

Which, of course, makes this the perfect time to slash missile defense funding --- "Missile Budget Cut Still Stands":

An attempt Tuesday to restore money slashed from the missile defense budget failed to gain traction when an amendment that would have paid for additional interceptors in Alaska was defeated.

You know, it takes a monumental level of stupid to look at the threats from Iran and the Norks, be forced to actually use these systems, and STILL want to chop funding. But that's the HOPE! and CHANGE! we've got.


  1. Anonymous9:44 PM

    He's HOPING that nothing bad happens because, after all, he has apologized to so many countries already, so why would someone want to attack the American people? And if something does happen, he'll have to CHANGE his shorts. That's the only hope and change I can see with him.

  2. Anonymous6:30 AM

    I wonder how much of a bribe it would take for Dear Leader to accidentally target DC(during a full session of congress that was being addressed by his royalness of course) with his next missile?.

  3. You may have seen this, maybe not...

    On Terrorist Watch List, but Allowed to Buy Guns

    You do know I have you linked huh?? In Fred's Faves... Just sayin'... :)


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