Monday, June 22, 2009

Must be nice to just 'reject criticism', especially when you're a nanny-state

politician who has to change his pants at the thought of "highly undesirable" handgun use.
The proposed legislation would ban new handgun licences, except for those used in Olympic sports.

Some 1,800 handguns have been licensed in the State since 2004
Gasp! 1,800 in five years!! The HORROR!!!
Mr Ahern said he was determined to stamp out a practice known as “practical shooting”. His department had monitored with concern “competitions in which people shoot their way through multi-stage target courses based on real life combat scenarios, such as a home invasion or a hostage rescue”.

He said: “This activity is one that seeks to glorify and normalise attitudes to high-powered handguns and promote their use and ownership,” he said. Mr Ahern said “practical shooting” was a “highly undesirable” recent development in Irish shooting sports
'Glorify and normalise', new scare words for the GFWs in (formerly)Great Britain. And 'highly undesirable' according to who, other than you, you nasty little politician?
The Garda authorities had recommended that it be prohibited, and it was not endorsed by the Firearms Consultative Panel, he said.
Lesson: give government boards and agencies 'approval' powers, and they'll restrict anything they don't like. Or makes them go weewee.
“It’s simply not in the public interest(or "For the CHILDREEENNNN!) to tolerate the development of a subculture predicated on a shooting activity which by the liberal standards of the US is regarded as an extreme shooting activity.”
It is? Really? Outside of the Brady Ban the Guns Group, that is? Of course, they think plinking a can with a .22 is 'extreme', so they're not exactly a good standard-giver, Mr. Ahern.
He said any cursory research on the internet showed that these activities were marketed as being at the “extreme end” of handgun ownership and were “anathema to the tradition of Irish sporting clubs”.
Again, marketed that way by who? I repeat, nasty little nanny-state politician.

And, just as bad, the people noting that Mr. Ahern is scaremongering and exaggerating have this to say:
“I just feel that there should be a mechanism for genuine sporting enthusiasts to have their licences . . . granted under the most stringent and strict conditions.”
Translation: "If we're willing to have your anal probes inserted and ONLY own what you allow and ONLY how much and what kind of ammo you allow and ONLY take it out of a lockbox when you allow, you should be willing to GRANT us a license."

And this crap is what Obama and Schumer and Boxer & Co. would like to force on us.

Thanks to Uncle for the link.

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