Thursday, June 25, 2009

Last night a friend of mine said the 'world would have to act

on Iran'. Which sounds good. Except the UN won't do crap except- maybe- make a 'strongly-worded statement- and ask to send an observer or two. Who'll have to stay in the best hotel in Tehran, of course. And the EU?
In an interview with Reuters, Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt also said the EU should not consider sanctions against Iran at this stage and he urged the swift confirmation of a second term for the president of the European Commission.

"My worry is that talk of sanctions, talk of a tougher line might just be the start of an excuse for the Iranian leadership not to listen in to what is now being said by the Iranian people," Reinfeldt said
Mr. Reinfeldt, that is one of the most chickenshit, and/or idiot, things I've heard in a while. In case you haven't bothered to check it out, the Iranian leadership is beating and maiming and murdering the Iranian people for daring to speak out. Just what the hell makes you think they need you for an excuse?

There's a reason for the category 'EUnuchs'.

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