Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Awww, the poor little 'muslim convert' murdering piece of

shit considers himself 'innocent' because U.S. military action in the Middle East made the killing justified.
Gee, which action is that, you miserable little excuse for a pimple on the ass of mankind? Building schools? Shooting your chickenshit child-raping brethren who kill children for daring to go to school? Whacking your brothers who murder men standing in line to apply for a job? Keeping your fornicator of swine islamists from killing people who're trying to take care of their irrigation canals?*

Standard excuse-making learned from every islamist dog-humper from Hamas to the local "I dream of murdering women for showing an ankle in the marketplace" imam: "WE ARE VICTIMS! So you can't blame us for ANYTHING we do!"

And this from a local representative of the Religion of Peace:
Muhammad had moved to Arkansas in the spring to work at his father's bus tour company and had never attended the Islamic Center of Little Rock, a mosque frequented by most of the area's Muslims, said Iftikhar Pathan, the center's president.

Pathan said he spoke with most of the nearly 300 people who attend Friday prayers at the mosque and no one knew him. Those at the mosque also spoke with FBI agents in the days immediately after the shooting, he said.

"What he had in his mind, God knows," Pathan said
Considering the record of so many of these 'islamic centers' and their members as to speaking the truth on such matters, I'd want proof he 'never attended'; put bluntly, Mr. Pathan, I don't believe you. Am I being unfair? Maybe. After the past record I mentioned of lying about terrorists, making excuses for them, claiming victim status and yelling 'racism' to try to shut people up who ask inconvenient questions, tough shit; show me reason to believe you.

Last week, Hensley said his client, born Carlos Bledsoe, had been tortured and "radicalized" in a Yemeni prison after entering the country to teach English. He was held there for immigration violations, and Yemeni officials have denied mistreatment.

"Those claims ... are all lies," Muhammad said Tuesday. "That never happened in Yemen. The officials dealt with me in a gentle way."

Here we have the dirtbag lawyer(no, I'm not feeling charitable toward lawyers either) trying to set up an excuse, and- amazingly- being called a liar by his murdering client. Oh, and 'entering the country to teach English'? If that was why he was there, why did the FBI catch him using a fake Somali passport?

Gee, a lawyer lying for a shitbird client; whoda thunk it?

*Son said one of their daily activities while on patrol was to find where the assholes had damaged irrigation canals during the night, get hold of the nearest village and, if needed, watch over them while they repaired the damage. Speaks volumes of this pig-boinker this his 'brethren' considered it a brave act in the name of Allah to screw over the locals who were trying to take care of their land and families. Also, when they found out there was a price for it, there was less of it as time went on; being the cowardly little shits they were, they went looking for children to murder or something equally shahid-like.


  1. Anonymous9:07 PM

    You know....there have been many reports of people taking the greyhounds that don't make their owners money anymore out in the ocean and dumping them. Leaving them to swim until they can't swim anymore and they give up and die by drowning. When one owner was asked why he did this, the response was "Ammo ain't cheap."

    I say this muslim convert needs to become one with the water.

  2. He needs to die...now.

  3. No. We do fair trials here. We do our best, if we have to kill somebody, to kill the right guy. That's as it should be.

  4. Yep. Problem is, the ACLU and every anti-American clown out there will be wanting to save his sorry ass.

  5. Anonymous11:57 AM

    "You know....there have been many reports of people taking the greyhounds that don't make their owners money anymore out in the ocean and dumping them. Leaving them to swim until they can't swim anymore and they give up and die by drowning. When one owner was asked why he did this, the response was "Ammo ain't cheap."

    Fire, your cheese slid right off of your cracker past your lap, and onto the linoleum. bwAHHH..

    So, you claim that grayhound owners motor out to sea to drop off grayhounds to their watery doom, to save the cost of a .22 round??..BwaHHHH...

    one .22 round per grayhound to be put down = .005 cents cost.

    boating out to sea in even a small boat, for 20 nautical miles in each direction =
    50-150 bucks cost, not including taking a day off work, depending on the boat size and weather conditions..

    your a sarah palin voter alright..

    I would PAY you to defect to the liberal cause.. you would do so much damage to any cause you were to affiliate with.


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