Saturday, May 02, 2009

Yes, Obama wants to destroy the 2nd Amendment;

he just doesn't have to balls to try to do it openly.

On April 16, 2009, President Obama emerged from a meeting with Mexico’s President Calderón to announce his support for the “Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing and Trafficking in Firearms” treaty (CIFTA) ...he promised to push the treaty through the Senate quickly as a means of curtailing the border violence and arms trafficking in Mexico’s current drug wars

I recommend this excellent analysis. It’ll scare the 125gr. outta ya.

-NONE of the proposed gun controls are likely to pass by themselves through Congress. If the treaty is enacted they don’t have to — they become law when the treaty is ratified.

Which is just the kind of backstabbing crap we expected from Obama & Co. If you haven't already, time to call/write the congresscritters, especially in the Senate.

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