Saturday, May 09, 2009

So Rep. Nancy Pelosi(Evil Party-CA) is a liar;

that's supposed to be a surprise?
"We were not -- I repeat -- were not told that waterboarding or any of these other enhanced interrogation methods were used," Pelosi said on April 23.

The emphasis seems to be on "were used," even though she conceded in a statement released Friday that she was told they would be used.

"As I said in my statement of December 9, 2007: 'I was briefed on interrogation techniques the (Bush) administration was considering using in the future. The administration advised that legal counsel for both the CIA and the Department of Justice had concluded that the techniques were legal,'" she said.

But even that statement is at odds with the official record of the briefings recorded in the CIA memo dated to Sept. 4, 2002. That memo says Pelosi received a "briefing on EITs (enhanced interrogation techniques), including use of EITs on Abu Zubaydah, background on authorities and a description of particular EITs that had been employed."

Insty has a bunch of links here, all noting proof that Pelosi lied, repeatedly. And that some of the excusesdefenses put up for her are, to quote Allah, " dumber than the other".

1 comment:

  1. Truly amazing- Pelosi was caught lying red-handed... and she's STILL lying.

    Of course, she had no objection to the use of EITs for almost 5 years- until she was Speaker in 2007 and the antiwar left raised it as an issue. Suddenly she's against it, and/or "knew nothing". And obviously willing to lie to the whole country to create a more favorable reality.

    Apparently Obama and Pelosi forgot something: the CIA kills people... it's in their job description. Did they really think these killers were going to meekly take one for the team... when the team captain is a lying, incompetent, arrogant nebbish with no real-world experience and who told them they need to kiss his ring? - please

    Pelosi is a no-talent hack who's made a lot of enemies. Going to be hard to BS her way out of this one- her approval rating was like 9% before this story even broke.


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