Sunday, May 03, 2009

I can understand why people turn 'All Politics!' in blogging; (updated)

there's just so damn much out there.

Standard lefty activity nowadays: realize what an idiot you've made of yourself, so make copyright claim to try to hide the words.
It is clear that Hilton is embarrassed by what he said, and he is using a transparently frivolous copyright claim to try to squelch free speech about his ridiculous statements.

I’m not standing for it.

If Hilton sends me a DMCA takedown notice, I’m going to fight it — and I may sue him. I have never seen a clearer example of fair use in my life
I have to add in this from Hendrix at Cold Fury:
An “intellectual titan?” Well, next to a wholly rancid putz like Olbermann, sure. To anyone who can scrape up more than two functioning brain cells in a pinch, he looks like a mincing progressivist simpleton who will brook no disagreement whatsoever with the prevailing Left orthodoxy, and will not allow dissenting views to be expressed without a lot of shrill caterwauling and gratuitous cruelty in response– even when he asks for those views himself. He ought to be bitchslapped until he quacks like a duck — or at least until he learns some proper decorum when addressing people whose opinions he lacks the grey matter to comprehend, and the broad-minded forbearance to tolerate.

Not a peep, strangely, from any of these smarmy fatheads about their idol Obama’s stated position on the issue, which mirrors Prejean’s own. But that’s because they assume he’s lying about it, in order to further gull the rubes. And I’m sure they’re correct in that assumption. Which, for blindly worshipful twits like these, makes Obama — what? Courageous? Clever? Guileful? A real stand-up guy? What?

I once told a guy who belonged to a teachers union my thought: that a good teacher is a jewel to be cherished and paid as much as we can afford, and bad teachers need to be thrown the hell out before they do more damage. He stated, with indignant look, "I've never seen a bad teacher!" He was full of crap, and this lists some of the damage they can do:
Meanwhile, said Kendra Wallace, principal of Daniel Webster Middle School on Los Angeles' Westside, an ineffective teacher can instruct 125 to 260 students a year -- up to 1,300 in the five years she says it often takes to remove a tenured employee.
There should be protections so that, for instance, a teacher can't be screwed over for holding kids to account for their actions(idiot parent: "You can't flunk him just because you don't like what he did!" "Ma'am, he doesn't do his assignments and what he does turn in is wrong; he flunked." "You're a racist/bigot/(fill in the insult blank)!") But protecting teachers who shouldn't be there from being canned isn't doing the kids any favors, and hurts a lot of them.

Do you believe Obama's people would make threats like this? And act like this? Unfortunately, I do.
"The charge is completely untrue," said White House deputy press secretary Bill Burton, "and there's obviously no evidence to suggest that this happened in any way."
Umm, when someone makes statements like that, it doesn't exactly give confidence in their honesty, does it?

And last, but definitely not least, Speaker Pelosi(Socialist Crapweasel-CA) is trying to make it harder for law enforcement to go after corrupt politicians:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is working to buffer lawmakers from federal investigators. This is a bad idea. Special legal protections for politicians encourage unethical conduct.

Irvin B. Nathan, general counsel of the House of Representatives, sent a letter to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Monday about establishing a protocol on how to handle “hopefully rare searches and electronic surveillance involving members of Congress.” Mr. Nathan previously failed to negotiate such an agreement with the George W. Bush administration when Republicans controlled the House. His return to this effort isn’t surprising given the number of congressional Democrats facing accusations of ethical misconduct
Don't you just love that wording? “...hopefully rare searches and electronic surveillance". Translation: "We can make it harder for the cops to go after members of Congress, which will make it easier for them to take care of their johns- er, I mean constituents without being troubled by these nasty law enforcement people. I mean, who do they think they are, troubling Congressmen just for getting their beak a little wet?"
Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, on Thursday invoked the separation of powers as justification for the move. Mrs. Pelosi, who has acknowledged being aware previously of Mrs. Harman's controversial dialogue, claims the stance is a matter of principle. "Whether it's invading an office or wiretapping a conversation, it's important for us to have the separation of powers and the respect for individual liberties, again, while not harboring information that would be useful under the speech [or] debate clause," she said.
Translation: "Congress should be protected from investigation. The cops and FBI can go after YOU, no problem; you're just a peasant. But showing up with a warrant, or getting a wiretap on a politician? Why, we can't allow that!" And don't you just love her referring to a search with a warrant as 'invading an office'? Think she'd call it that if the FBI showed up at the home or office of a tea party organizer?

I didn't think so.

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