Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gee, a Rhino who serves Obama and wants to use the power of the State

to force you to change your life; talk about a confluence of assholes:
At the National Press Club on Thursday he attempted to respond to George Will’s column and to explain his vision for using the power of government to change people’s transportation behavior and to change the nature of American residential communities.

“We want to really--and notwithstanding the fact that George Will doesn't like this idea--the idea of creating opportunities for people to get out of their cars--and we're working with the secretary of HUD, Shaun Donovan, on opportunities for housing, walking paths, biking paths,” said LaHood. “If somebody wants to ride their bike, if--to work or to the place of employment or to other places--mass transit, light rail--creating opportunities for what we call livable communities.”

'Creating opportunities'; isn't that a nice way to say 'rearranging how you live to force you to travel the way we want'?
The moderator of the press club event asked LaHood: “Some in the highway-supporters motorist groups have been concerned by your livability initiative. Is this an effort to make driving more torturous and to coerce people out of their cars?”

LaHood answered: “It is a way to coerce people out of their cars
Well, it is nice to have a nanny-state socialist who's at least honest about it. Or maybe he just slipped and let the truth out.
Lahood suggested to the reporters that George Will is the only person opposed to using the government to promote mass transit and bicycling over driving a car.

“And the only person that I've heard of that objects to this is George Will. Check out Newsweek magazine,” said LaHood
If this idiot thinks Will is the only one who objects to this then he's too stupid to be out in public without a keeper to stop him from running into traffic. And if he thinks Newsweek tells what most people will think about this garbage, then he's either delusional or off his meds.

And, the final bit:
“Some conservative groups are wary of the livable communities program, saying it's an example of government intrusion into people's lives,” said the moderator. “How do you respond?”

About everything we do around here is government intrusion in people's lives,” said LaHood. “So have at it.”

And there we have it; a flat admission that he and the other jerks in this administration are all about using the power of government to force us to do what they want. It's not like we hadn't figured it out, but it's nice to have it openly confirmed by this Rhino bastard.

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