Friday, May 01, 2009

A couple of thoughts about the "The Gummint Did It!"

conspiracy morons. Brought on by the idiocy noticed by Rachel.

First, have you noticed that it's almost always the US? One commenter does accuse the Mexican government(which would make it unquestionably the Mexican flu, but I digress) releasing it to save itself and consolidate power, but for every one else, it's primarily us to suspect:
Then again, governments of the world have routinely engaged in crimes against humanity, haven’t they? The U.S., for example, dropped nuclear bombs on civilian populations in Japan. Israel rained white phosphorous on Palestinians, Hitler exterminated countless Jews, and Americans fired millions of rounds of depleted uranium rounds into targets in Iraq and Afghanistan. Unleashing a viral biological weapon in Mexico City is no great leap beyond what governments have already done to achieve their goals.
although you'll notice this clown made a very nice moral comparison between us, Israel and the fucking Nazis. We used a pair of nukes to end a war, saving God knows how many lives that would've been lost in an invasion: War Crime. We used DU shells(DU having, as I recall about the same radioactivity level as granite) to take out enemy armor: War Crime. Israel used standard smoke round which use WP to make smoke: War Crime. We're just as bad as the Nazis who murdered millions. Fuck you, Mike Adams, you miserable little boob.

And this comment she found:
The US regime invests heavily in bioweapons warfare - why should we not suspect them ?

Whatever happened with the strange Anthrax released in the US - it was found to be weapons grade Athrax from an American military bioweapons lab ; why should this be any different - a cultured swine/bird/human virus weaponized by the American regime and deliberately released.

I only give 30% probability to this being deliberately released by the American regime ; however by all means they should be considered to be one of the main suspects behind this swine/bird/human weaponized virus. (this weaponized swine/bird/human virus shows up one week after Obama and Air Force one and his 3000 strong Secret Service entourage visited Mexico City…)

All the proper progressive bullshit: the US 'regime', the accusations of bioweapons research(y'know, like vaccines and such? When it was the Soviets weaponizing smallpox and plague?)

Which leads to the second: Aside from the general idiocy, does this clown and all his little buttmonkeys not think that, did we wish to wipe out a large portion of the planet population, we couldn't have put something together with a bit more oomph than this? I'll be he doesn't worry at all about the damned islamic terrorists trying to get nukes and bio-agents, but that damned America, it needs to be stopped!

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