Monday, May 11, 2009

Ah yes, the gun-free paradise of (fG)Britain

doesn't seem to be working out as promised; you know, 'ban guns and things will be wonderful':
A father of four, Craig Wass, was beaten to death after he confronted a group of drunken teenagers outside his home, just two weeks before his wedding.

Mr Wass, 39, was attacked with a brick, golf clubs and pieces of wood in the frenzied beating on a quiet cul de sac.

The youths launched their attack just a few yards from Mr Wass's home in Loxley, Sheffield, after he came out of his house at 11.30pm on Saturday night and asked the gang to be quiet.
She said: "He just came out of the house to tell them to be quiet and they started beating him up. One had a golf club and another had ripped a plank from the fence.

"Then I saw one of them pick up a brick and he just hit my uncle at the back of the head. He fell down in the road an didn't get back up."

For asking them to be quiet. Crap like this is a sign of a very sick society; the fact that if someone had run out with a legally-owned gun to stop this, the police would have thrown them in jail is another. When you have a political class that actively discourages individuals being held responsible for their actions, and very actively discourages self-defense, this is what you get.


  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    This shit pisses me the hell off! I really can't say much of anything right now. I really can't. Other than if that shit happened to someone I loved.....overkill would occur.

  2. Mmm. You think it's bad now, just wait'll the Islamists get rollin' up in there with their jihad. Damage incorporated, indeed.

  3. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Yeah....and they can get their happy jihad a$$es stuffed with pork. UUUGGGHHHH, some of them might actually like it.

  4. Anonymous9:24 PM

    I need to make a public apology, Firehand.

    I get a little feisty and I could have offended the other white meat and I really don't want to do that. It's not their fault that Islamists do whatever it is they do when yelling out jihadi phlegm stuff. And the pig on Charlotte's Web is just way too cute to be lumped in with what would make those bastards go off.

  5. Windy Wilson2:53 PM

    The lesson here is if you have to take up force/violence because a thug is bringing force/violence to you or yours, you have to fight to the death. His or yours, but when dealing with such thugs as these someone has to die. If you are going to go to jail for interrupting the thug's church picnic, it should be to invite a thug to his own funeral. Anything less encourages the thugs and their enablers, the so-called authorities. Just as in the US, suspension of hunting of wolves and mountain lions has caused them to lose their fear of humans, this deadly policy in the UK has caused the thugs to lose their fear of humans. Yes, these thugs are not human beings.
    Great Britain indeed! They haven't been great since V-E day, and maybe not then.

  6. Great Britain indeed! They haven't been great since V-E day, and maybe not then.I disagree. I'll grant many Brits of today may not be worth the shit on Winston Churchill's shoes, but the generation who survived the Battle of Britain and the 1940-1941 blitz and stormed the beaches of Normandy alongside American doughboys were made of much sterner stuff.

  7. I think the potential is still there; but they've been under the thumb of socialist controllers for so long, it's going to take something really drastic to make them visit Whitehall and kick the bastards out. Which is what it'll take to really change things.

  8. Anonymous7:27 PM

    "Just as in the US, suspension of hunting of wolves and mountain lions has caused them to lose their fear of humans...."

    You might be right, but I think their lack of fear comes from neighborhoods moving further and further into what used to be wilderness. Let me expound on that. Consider a wolf or the mountain lion in the wilderness. They don't hear the sound of cars, people, construction, etc. And when a human happened to get close, fear was their first feeling.

    Now, imagine that same wolf or mountain lion a year or two later, their wilderness is now 100 yards or so from a new and beautiful subdivision. These animals feel fear, still. But as time goes on, they hear the noise of the cars and horns, and all the people around. They hear it everyday, all day. They get desensitized to it. Thus, their fear is not as strong as it was before.

    These large predators are not as fearful anymore because we are getting closer and closer to their habitat. We are literally playing in their backyard. I don't think their fearlessness comes from them being "protected". After all, they don't know they're protected.

    All of this is in my humble opinion, of course.

  9. Anonymous2:03 AM

    " Firehand said...

    I think the potential is still there; but they've been under the thumb of socialist controllers for so long, it's going to take something really drastic to make them visit Whitehall and kick the bastards out. Which is what it'll take to really change things."

    There are very few that I know of with any aspiration to freedom. they think they are free because they are told that they are, they've had the "third way" for too long while believing the lie "it can't happen here".

    Watch that place closely, take notes and be very wary about what you allow to happen at home. Do not believe Stalin's lie that Fascism is right wing, it is not, it is firmly of the left and always was.


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