Friday, April 17, 2009

Well, gee, Sec. Napolitano, when we read stuff like

this, it just makes us think you're full of crap.
WASHINGTON -- The Federal Bureau of Investigation earlier this year launched a nationwide operation targeting white supremacists and "militia/sovereign-citizen extremist groups," including a focus on veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan, according to memos sent from bureau headquarters to field offices.

The initiative, dubbed Operation Vigilant Eagle, was outlined in February, two months before a memo giving a similar warning was issued on April 7 by the Department of Homeland Security
Now, we all know she doesn't want to 'infringe on rights' or 'malign veterans', but what do we have next?
The documents outlining Operation Vigilant Eagle cite a surge in activity by such groups. The memos say the FBI's focus on veterans began as far back as December, during the final weeks of the Bush administration, when the bureau's domestic counterterrorism division formed a special joint working group with the Defense Department.
And among the 'warning signs':
A Feb. 23 draft memo from FBI domestic counterterrorism leaders, obtained by The Wall Street Journal, cited an "increase in recruitment, threatening communications and weapons procurement by white supremacy extremist and militia/sovereign-citizen extremist groups."
You know, when so many people started buying firearms and ammo because they were worried about possible bans, taxes and restrictions being proposed by a bunch of Democrats and the past words of the President-elect? When a lot of people had started getting very damn vocal about their displeasure with the federal government, and lots of politicians?

Note this part:
The aim of the FBI's effort with the Defense Department, which was rolled into the Vigilant Eagle program, is to "share information regarding Iraqi and Afghanistan war veterans whose involvement in white supremacy and/or militia sovereign citizen extremist groups poses a domestic terrorism threat," according to the Feb. 23 FBI memo.
Well, since they've made it plain that saying "Respect the Constitution you swore to uphold, you damned politician!" makes you a 'right-wing and/or militia extremist', that's not exactly reassuring. And note the contradiction in the following:
Michael Ward, FBI deputy assistant director for counterterrorism, said in an interview Thursday that the portion of the operation focusing on the military related only to veterans who draw the attention of Defense Department officials for joining white-supremacist or other extremist groups.

"We're not doing an investigation into the military, we're not looking at former military members," he said. "It would have to be something they were concerned about, or someone they're concerned is involved" with extremist groups
Can't have it both ways, Mr. Ward; you can't say you're looking at vets who 'draw the attention' AND say you're "not looking a former military members". Either very bad wording, or an attempt at CYA.

I know some of the people in this administration(and the State Department, for that matter) detest and even despise people in uniform; but to put out such a blatantly politically-biased mess... It doesn't speak well for their intentions or brains.

As an add-on:
The Department of Homeland Security released a pre-emptive “assessment report” on the dangers of “right-wing extremists” just a week before the tax protest rallies. According to DHS, these potentially include pro-lifers, supporters of border security and that notoriously unstable group - U.S. military veterans.

And I can report that there were, in fact, quite a few vets at our Tea Party at Long Wharf. But other than their crazy notion that spending our kids into an $11 trillion hole is wrong, they didn’t appear to be unhinged.

The same cannot be said for the reporters
And a wonderful line on some of the media ignoring the tea parties:
But as one Tea Partier quipped: “If Obama had been the king of England, the Globe wouldn’t have covered the American Revolution.”

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