Saturday, April 25, 2009

Speaking of socialist crapweasels and generally

dirtbag politicians, let's note two entries in this country. First, we have Rep. Pelosi(Liar-CA), who insists, despite all information, that
"We were not -- I repeat -- were not told that waterboarding or any of these other enhanced interrogation methods were used."

But she also did not explicitly say that waterboarding was not part of the conversation. She indicated instead that any discussion they may have had was hypothetical.
Translation: "Don't you dare bring up those facts! I forbid it, and I'll deny them!"
Pelosi indicated Thursday she's being hamstrung from fully addressing the briefing, and publicly questioning the tactics described in it, because it was secret.
Since when has something being 'secret' stopped you and your little buttmonkeys from letting it out?
"It's very interesting that people are talking so freely," Pelosi said.
Well, if you were a CIA operative who'd put your ass on the line, who is now scared that Pres. B. Cartman Obama is going to try to screw you over to please the left-wing nutcases, and you're sick of people like you being left off the hook, why wouldn't you talk about it? You jackass.

Speaking of Pres. Obama, let's look at how he's apparently looking to screw over an ally in order to suck up to the enemy:
TEL AVIV — A classified assessment relayed to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Obama and his senior advisers would incrementally diminish U.S. strategic cooperation with Israel developed over the last 20 years.

"Obama wants to make friends with our worst enemies and until now the worst enemies of the United States," an Israeli source familiar with the intelligence assessment said.

"Under this policy, we are more than irrelevant. We have become an obstacle."

Israeli sources said the administration would reject Israel intelligence on such threats as Iran and Syria while advancing the Obama agenda to reconcile with the two states, both listed as state sponsor of terrorism by the U.S. State Dept.

On April 20, Israeli military intelligence commander Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin warned the Cabinet that Obama was prepared to allow Iran to retain its capability to assemble nuclear weapons and support Hamas and Hizbullah

I'll ask the same question a lot of other people have: why do American jews vote in such numbers for people who have such dislike for Jews? And Israel? I just don't get it.

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