Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand(Turncoat-NY) has proven just how much respect

for the 2nd Amendment and gun owners she really has.

Like with far too many of the politicians in DC, this is simple to understand: she's decided that keeping her butt in that taxpayer-supplied chair in the Senate is far more important to her than
The oath she took,
Her word to the people back 'home',
her previous words.
Therefore, she's willing to turn on anyone and betray her oath for the sake of the money and support of the "We must ban guns, and we can help you win the next election!" people in NY.

1 comment:

  1. martywd9:42 PM

    Having lived in downstate New Yawk for 50+ years before moving to Texas in '05 I was sceptical that Gillibrand was truly pro-gun.   Then when I saw Chuck 'The Schmuck' Schumer (D-NY_Jerk) was hovering around Kirtsen like a blood sucking bat I figured whatever it was Kirsten believed in, it was _not_ our 2nd Amendment Right.
    Therefore, she's willing to turn on anyone and betray her oath for the sake of the money and support of the "We must ban guns, and we can help you win the next election!" people in NY..
    And those anti-civil rights anti-gun supporters would be the majority of the NYC/Long Island population which totals around 15,833,899.   (According to Wikipedia, NYC Pop: 8,274,527; Long Island Pop: 7,559,372 [est. 2006].   The entire population of New York State?   Again, according to Wikipedia: 19,490,297 (2008 est.)   You see where this is going, when you are dealing with a US Senator from New Yawk (D-Evil or R-Stupid), right?


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