Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Let's be plain and call it the 'Mexican Gun Lie', as this post

Sondra points to makes even futher note of:
Gents, thanks for a fine article. However, with regard to weaponry coming from the US, please be advised that Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs) used by the Cartels are made in the PRC and former Combloc countries and not in the USA.

Also the grenades found in the US coming from Mexico are of Chinese or Combloc origin. many of the small arms, like fully automatic AK-47s are illegal in the USA and come from China or former Combloc nations. They should not be confused with the semi-auto look-alike weapons made and sold in the USA which are of no use to the Cartels as they are not machine guns. They are merely ugly like their military ancestors but are no different in action than a semi-auto hunting rifle sold at Big-5 or Oshman's and of far less power.

Fully automatic M16s, while made in the USA (or abroad under license) are military weapons sold to approved by State Dept. military units and governments abroad, then stolen and smuggled in to Mexico and elsewhere. Automatic weapons are not available in the USA over the counter and require paperwork, background checks, huge fees and approval and subsequent regular inspections of the privately-owned arm by BATF. BATF has not reported thefts or loss of personally owned Class III (Full auto selective fire). BATF should be able to provide you back-trace information proving that the weapons seized in Mexico, while made here or abroad under license, were stolen from the end-user, illegally acquired and smuggled in to Mexico by the Cartels from elsewhere than the US.
Which last would require the Mexican government to give us the serial numbers of the stuff they claim were legally bought in the US and smuggled to Mexico, and for some reason they don't want to do that...


  1. Don't forget that on the fully automatic weapons front, anything made since 1986 can only go to gov't, military, law enforcement. No mere mortal can purchase them, gunshow or otherwise.

  2. I had heard, and have heard nothing to counter, that Mexico has NOT provided any serial numbers of any of the "evil US guns" for a trace.

    No doubt because if they did, they'd discover that most of those weapons came from their own military (if you can call it that) or were sold by various keleptocrats in the Mexican government.

    Ahhh, Mordida! Not just for breakfast, anymore.

  3. markm3:40 PM

    They did provide some serial numbers - for the 15% or so of the weapons confiscated that had serial numbers and looked like they might have come from our civilian market. IOW, they knew better than to send us the serial numbers of any American military-type hardware, and didn't bother us with the AK47's, commie RPG's, etc. Neither will they say how many of those non-automatic handguns, deer-rifles, and unapproved shotguns were some drug gang members' backup weapon and how many belonged to some otherwise law-abiding Mexican who dislikes being totally disarmed when criminals are running around with machine guns. Many of them in government uniforms...


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