Thursday, April 30, 2009

In case you haven't heard of the Southern Poverty Law Center,

here's a fine example of why you shouldn't trust their declarations on 'who is a hate group':
A student group that bills itself as "America's right wing youth movement" focused on countering radical multiculturism, socialism and mass immigration is causing a stir on a growing number of college campuses across the country.

The ultra-conservative political group Youth for Western Civilization is currently organized on at least seven university campuses. According to its Web site, the group hopes to inspire Western youth on the "basis of pride in their American and Western heritage," counter and ultimately defeat "leftism on campus" and create a social movement in which a right-wing subculture is an alternative to what it calls a "poisonous and bigoted" campus climate
Agree with them or not, just another bunch speaking their minds, in a climate where that takes some nerve. But, from the nannies,
Officials at the Southern Poverty Law Center, which identifies and tracks hate groups in the U.S., told that the YWC is not currently on its list, but some of the group's views are "suspect," including the notion that Western civilization is somehow superior.
Yeah, nothing superior about our culture compared to one that, for instance, sells little girls into marriage. And punishes women who've been raped with death("You disgraced the family!", etc.). Naw, nothing better here. We're actually arguing about homosexual marriage, whereas Iran just executes homosexuals; obviously, they're as enlightened as we claim to be!

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