Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Two things: first, on the rumor of the State Department

banning some ammo and firearm imports/exports; the day I heard of this I called my Rep.(Fallin) and Senator(Inhofe) to see if they'd heard about it. The lady at Fallin's office was remarkably unenthusiastic about taking a message. The man who answered at Inhofe's office transferred me to the aide who 'takes are of the 2nd Amendment work'; voicemail, and I left a message.

A few minutes ago I got a call with a DC area code, which I almost didn't answer(I don't personally know anyone in DC); I did answer and it was the aide from Inhofes' office; did I have any further information? She said they'd been checking around and can't find anything official about this, and did I know of any specific mentions from a .gov office? I said no, I'd just read about it that day and wondered if they knew of such; she said no, but they're still looking to see if can find anything hard. Nice to know they're actually checking on this.

Second, a bit more on the shortages:
While back I’d got hold of some of the plated bullets for a cartridge Dad was loading, and he really liked them for practice ammo. So he decided to order some more, and called the company. They very happily took the order, but warned “We’ve been really busy, so it may take anywhere from a a few days to a couple of weeks to ship them. If it's going to be more than a few days, we'll call and let you know.”

So not just regular jacketed bullets in reloading supplies and primers, pretty much every kind of bullet. And molds; looked through Midway a while back, and kind of amazing how many bullet molds show ‘out of stock’.

Maybe I should pick up some more wheelweights…

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