Sunday, March 08, 2009

There is not enough time

Medieval Fair is first weekend of April, so I was going to get a couple of things done toward that the last couple of days.

Yesterday? Squat. By the time took care of all that needed doing, it was too late to mess with the stuff. 'Doing' included oil & filter on the truck, air filter, and new plugs. Which required a trip back to the shop because the parts guy gave me the wrong plugs. The numbers have changed from what was originally on this vehicle, so that didn't tell me; but when I pulled the first plug and looked at the new one... just not right. So back to the shop in a wind that had already given me a headache, then home, then the plugs.

Today, went to the store this morning and as I returned realized I needed to clean the drain channels on the carport. They're covered, and not only do leaves and such get caught, but the damned sparrows like to squeeze in and build nests there. And before doing that I needed to prune one of the hollies.

The house has two big holly trees(they're as tall as the house, they ain't bushes) and one was overhanging the port. So ladder and clippers and gloves, get that trimmed and remove what had fallen over the winter, then get to opening the cleanout holes I'd made and hooking all the accumulated leaves, dirt, old nests and such out, then use one of the gutter blaster hose attachments to wash them out. After that was done, clean up the mess, and the driveway, and now it's 7 pm; and I still need to put some crap away.

That's not counting, by the way, phone calls I have to make from work tomorrow in my spare time(I laugh) to take care of some papers I got in the mail a couple of days ago. Assuming there's time to.

Blah. Sometimes I work harder(differently, more physical stuff) on my days off than I do at work. And I don't plan it that way.

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