Thursday, March 12, 2009

So these are the wonderful people running the

whole damn mess:
Bryan described himself as an Obama supporter who derived “intellectual satisfaction” from the president’s healthcare, education and climate proposals. But he questioned whether most people connected such complicated issues to the plunging values of their retirement accounts or to soaring unemployment.

Pervasive voter uncertainty means Obama needs to emphasize short-term measures to fix the economy, Bryan said. “If there’s not a sense that we’ve reached bottom and there’s a sense of uncertainty, I think the president’s support will erode fairly rapidly,” he added.
Yeah, we're too unintellectual to connect Obama wanting to trash the coal industry and prevent drilling and shove cap & trade down our throats and warning us that electricity costs will 'skyrocket' to the economy. Uh huh. Or maybe we just don't have Mr. Bryan's 'intellectual satisfaction' in Pres. B. Cartman Obama wanting to 'remake the country' in an Alinsky image.

The whole piece is interesting, with it seeming to boil down to this: doesn't seem to matter to these clowns if things actually improve, what matters is if they can make voters think things are better so they can hold onto majorities.

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