Friday, March 06, 2009

One of the side effects of celebrity often seems to be

idiocy. And sometimes flat hatred:
I think rockets are being fired by your own sources, since less than ten israelis have been killed by them. You are bullshitting the world as you pocket money made from arms sales, along with bibi and your agents in Hamas. step down all men in power!
Jewtherism, Ace called it. Think she'll get the same attention for this crap that Mel Gibson got?

Sean Penn is out spreading his form of brainless idiocy and bigotrytruth to power, Val Kilmer said soldiers in Vietnam were a bunch of fools and retards, and how many other 'celebrities' have distinguished themselves with similar statements?

As a balancing point to the above, the Ohio officials who used their offices to try to find dirt on Joe Wurzelbacher are being sued:
COLUMBUS, Ohio - "Joe the Plumber" is suing three former state officials in Ohio, saying they violated his privacy when they gathered his personal information in a records search.
Depending on just what databases were searched, let alone what was done with the information, if I'm not mistaken laws were broken; are we going to see prosecutions for that? I hope so.

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