Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Back to the 'Most Ethical Congress

Over the course of the past decade, Rep. John P. Murtha has earmarked millions of dollars for the Electro-Optics Center at Penn State University — money that has, in turn, gone to clients of the PMA Group, the Murtha-linked lobbying shop that was raided in November as part of a federal criminal probe.

Founded in 1999 as a joint enterprise run by Penn State and the Office of Naval Research, the EOC promotes electronic research needed for state-of-the-art military equipment.

But sources familiar with the EOC’s operations say Murtha has used the center as a “front” for PMA and other lobbyists and contractors with ties to the Pennsylvania Democrat.

At least 10 PMA lobbying clients have received funding via the EOC, officials at the center acknowledged. Sources familiar with the EOC’s operations said the total that went to PMA clients ran into the “tens of millions of dollars.”

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Murtha has received $2.38 million in campaign contributions from PMA and its clients over the past 10 years.

“Welcome to the ‘earmark factory,’” said a person familiar with the EOC’s internal operations.

Insty noted Some Democratic spokespeople are saying that earmarks don’t matter because the amount of money is small compared to the total budget. If that’s true, then outright bribes wouldn’t matter, either, because there’s not all that much difference . . . .
Yesterday, I think on Hannity(listen occasionally) some Evil Party mouthpiece, I think Beckel, was noting exactly that: "It's only a small part of the bill so why get upset about it?" How about BECAUSE IT'S OUR MONEY YOU'RE WASTING, YOU BASTARD! Real easy to be careless with other people's money, isn't it?

He also made the statement that 'health care is a right' and needed to be socialized. Hannity asked where in the Constitution or any of the founding documents it said that it's a right, and Beckel replied "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness'. So, according to the Evil Party and the socialists, those seven words mean that you have a right to have to government rob other people to pay your doctor bills. Kind of like the Interstate Commerce Clause means the feds can regulate ANYTHING in their view; all for our own good, of course.

Rat bastards.

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