Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Advice: 'Make sure we keep the right to arms'

In a comment to the previous, Marja wrote this:
Make sure that you'll keep that right. I live in Northern Europe and don't have it. I think one of the best things about internet is the fact that I have found out I'm not nuts because I believe I should have the right to carry, and the right to defend myself even with lethal force if necessary, that there actually is good evidence that having that right won't lead to chaos and blood on the streets but rather the opposite. Perhaps, with enough time, the people here will start getting over that false belief, too. I'm not holding my breath though.

No, you're not nuts. One of the most basic rights of anyone anywhere is the right to self-defense. And, even though it causes great need to change diapers among many politicians, GFWs and socialists(definite overlapping of groups there), that right doesn't just imply, it requires the right to the means of self-defense. Which can mean anything from appropriate words to a weapon capable of lethal force.

I wish you well in this, but I'm not holding my breath either. While back I read part of some EU document that deigned to mention the concept of self-defense; in the most denigrating terms, of course, and being very damn careful to limit it in every way they could think of. After all, in the EUnuchs(and other socialists) minds, you're supposed to trust in the all-seeing, all-knowing government to show up and save you. And if they can't do it, you're supposed to be content with the minions of government cleaning up the mess(including your body in the worst case). It's going to take some kind of severe shock in most countries to cause enough people to go after the governments hard enough to throw out the horrendous restrictions of the right of self-defense, and the politicians(most of them) will fight it tooth and nail, because- even more than other things- it would mean a lessening of their power over others.

In a way, it makes the attacks on the 2nd Amendment and self-defense here even worse; they're not only trying to restrict-take away those rights from us, I think a good many of them want to because it will also remove an example that many people in other countries look to, and makes them wonder how that right was taken from them? And how might they get it back?

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