Monday, February 09, 2009

To assist the terrorist & felon-pardoner we have heading Justice,

Obama wants this jerk:
Groves says Ogden argued that the high court should look to laws, legal opinions, and decisions of foreign countries and international organizations regarding the death penalty. He notes that in particular, Ogden cited the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) — a 1989 treaty that bars the execution of people who commit crimes while under the age of 18.

Ogden, says Groves, pointed out that the United States is one of only two countries in the world that has not signed onto that treaty.

“[He argued] that doesn’t mean that the U.S. doesn’t have to follow the treaty, [but that] it means the opposite — that the United States must follow the treaty that it has specifically decided not to join,” says Groves. “Why? Because [Ogden argued] the rest of the world has joined it — and so therefore it’s some new customary, international norm and the United States must outlaw the juvenile death penalty.”

Yeah, we should be in a big damn hurry to trash the Constitution and our own other laws so as to suck up to the 'new international norm'. And President The Obama wants him as #2 and what may come to be laughingly referred to as the 'Justice Department'.

Don't you love it? Children should be able to get an abortion without the parents being told, let alone having to give approval, but someone who hasn't reached 18 by a few months can't pay the full adult penalty for murder.

As various people have said, barring very hard work and- possibly- divine intervention, we are so screwed.

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