Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sweden used to produce traders and warriors who roamed the world;

now they produce dhimmi who quake in their shoes at threats from islamists:
Last week Sweden forced the Israeli Davis Cup tennis team to play in an empty stadium due to threats of violence by local radicals.
This week Sweden banned the Israeli Taekwondo team from even entering the country!
The Swedish authorities said it was because, "Ten thousand members of a Muslim organization are threatening to settle the account with you because of the war in Gaza."

And rather than call out the cops and whoever else to keep the peace, they caved. Barring a sudden outbreak of the old spirit(which the government will try to crush), Sweden is doomed.

Sen. Harry Reid(Defeatist Commie-NV) says things are 'turning around', even though no money's been spent as yet; which would bring up the question "If things are turning around, then why not stop the trillion-plus in spending? That'll improve things even faster!" Except that
A: this isn't about 'stimulus', it's about Obama and the Evil Party trying to set themselves up as a one-party state forever, and
B: Reid is a lying bastard; yes, I still remember and will never forget(or forgive) "The war is lost" and "The surge is a failure".
Of course, the Evil Party also has the wonderful Sen. Chris Dodd(Corrupt Socialist-CT) who's both corrupt and can't keep his mouth shut:
What Dodd said, to Bloomberg News, was that while he did not like the idea of nationalizing banks, he could see where it might become necessary for a short time. And investors, thinking, “What does he know that we haven’t heard yet?” sold their bank stocks.

He didn’t know anything. He was just shooting off his mouth. But major bank stocks lost a quarter to a third of their entire value in a matter of minutes. The White House was obliged to issue its own statement that the administration feels private ownership is the way to go
First, I think Dodd was expressing the wishes of the high levels of the Evil Party; they WANT to nationalize the banks, and anything else they can. Second, they don't have the integrity or balls to say it flat-out, so they told Dodd to shut up.

Of course, they've also got that paragon of virtue Joe Biden(Moron-VP) to lend weight to their words:
A fund of hedge funds run by two members of Vice President Joe Biden's family was marketed exclusively by companies controlled by Texas financier R. Allen Stanford, who is facing Securities and Exchange Commission accusations of engaging in an $8 billion fraud.
Of course, it's possible that Biden & Family didn't do anything unethical here, but
A: I don't trust him, and
B: This stuff makes you wonder:
"There is no connection between the Bidens and Allen Stanford or Stanford period, full stop," the attorney said. "There never was any meeting between any member of the Biden family, no phone calls, zero correspondence."

The vice president's office had no comment. A spokesman for Mr. Stanford referred calls to the SEC. A spokesman for the agency declined to comment
Let's see, didn't the President say there'd been 'no contact' between him and Blago? And didn't Burris say something like that? Both of which turned out to be bullcrap? Hmmm...

And our President Barack The Lightworker Cartman Obama is working his foreign-policy magic:
The Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, and with Obama's blessing, is courting the Taliban leadership, promising them that those that chose peace with his government will be involved in power. While in Somalia, Sheik Sharif Ahmed of the Union of Islamic Courts [UIC] has become the new President of Somalia, the UIC was viewed as a terrorist organization by the Bush administration, but is viewed as moderate by the new US Obama administration. And so as I noted in my previous article [The Somalization of Hamas] Obama gave his blessing to Sheik Sharif Ahmed's appointment as President.
'Obama's Blessing'. Which, I'm sure, is going to cause the terrorists to exchange their AKs and RPGs for flowers(probably opium) and sit in a circle singing. While they plot blowing up DC or some other major US city("But.. but I gave him my blessing, doesn't that mean anything to him?) And have you noticed that while Obama & Co. seem to have fits at the idea of us owning a semi-auto AK clone or AR15, they've got no problem with 'presidents' who pose with automatic weapons and/or rocket launchers?

Let due note be taken: the New York Effing Times is still trying to make us lose the war:
Yesterday, the Old Gray Lady broke the news that America Special Forces soldiers were training Pakistani troops to fight the Taliban and Al-Qaeda and that the operations were larger and more ambitious than previously acknowledged.

This was a secret, until the NY Times reported it yesterday.

Oh, crap, more of The Obama magic:
Binyam Mohamed was planning to blow up an apartment block in the United States when he was arrested. He was also alleged to have played a role in what US counter-terrorism analysts characterized as a "dirty bomb plot" with convicted terrorist Jose Padilla. (Daily Mail)

Binyam Mohamed arrived in London earlier today after being released from Gitmo:

And the Brits have announced that he's been released. Wonderful.

And let us not forget the domestic terrorist friends of President Obama:
I don’t regret anything I did it to oppose the war. It was — I did it to oppose the war. I don’t regret it. I don’t look back on those things and regret them, but I’m willing to rethink them. And there are many things which I’m going to rethink.”
Really? He's going to 'rethink' the murders and attempted murders? The desire to destroy this country? Yeah. Right. And he's got an in at the White House.

And The Obama is saying he wants to 'slash the deficit by half' by the end of his term. Yeah. He just increased the deficit by a mind-boggling amount, but he's going to cut it in half in four years? This would be the place where the PFM happens, right after the unicorns crap double-eagles in my front yard. This bastard's minions are now talking about big cuts in the defense budget at the same time they're kissing up to terrorists and trying to use our missile defense systems as bargaining chips with Putin; these people aren't just on the other side, they're flat nuts.

As a close this morning, I'll note this from Uncle:
Via email, I’m alerted to some blogger who’s totally losing his/her shit because the folks on the right now sound like the folks on the left sounded four and eight years ago. Seems some freepers are getting their ammo box, civil war, blah blah, talk on. Suddenly, Free Republic has become Democratic Underground from a few years ago with talks of uprising, planning for the worst, and stocking up on sweet, sweet ammo. Irony level is pretty rich because said blogger complaining about it has that whole V for Vendetta theme going on but is calling the secret service over harsh words seen on Al Gore’s Internets. Too funny. Also, the blogger says these people are talking assassination, which they’re not.

Any way, I don’t mind so much. The Bush years turned a lot of lefties into gun nuts. In fact, the picture that Mr. Fifth Of November Poser used was prominent on a lot of lefty, pro-gun sites. Looks like the Obama years will get a lot of righties back into the gun rights movement
Sacrificing a couple of brain cells(so you don't have to) I clicked on the link, and read the post and the echo chamber in comments. Which includes this prize:
I'm totally fine with legal, registered, responsible people having firearms.

But a lot of comments on the thread in this post are related to having guns "to keep leverage against the government".

Isn't one of their primary (public) arguments is that they need guns to protect themselves from criminals? Seems like they need look no further than the closest mirror...

Paranoid whackos
.(bold mine)
Snork. People who immediately took that monkey cartoon as a 'racist' insult to Obama, etc., are calling others 'whackos'? And the 'that gun looks illegal!' bit is just priceless. And, let it be noted, this is from a website that has 'V for Vengeance' as a theme...

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