Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh, wonderful: Pres. Obama picks this guy to head

the National Intelligence Council? Whatever could go wrong...
Ben Smith has confirmed that Chas Freeman has been offered and accepted President Obama's invitation to be the Chairman of the National Intelligence Council, the intelligence community's primary big-think shop and the lead U.S. governmental body in producing national intelligence estimates.

For the last dozen years, Freeman, the former US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, has been President of the Middle East Policy Council (formally known as the American Arab Affairs Council) a lobbying group for the Arab world. One of the group’s primary functions is to publish a quarterly journal called Middle East Policy. The journal is filled with anti-Israel messages that are beyond even the broadest definition of mainstream of U.S. thinking on the region. As the President of the organization responsible for this vicious and biased journal, the appointment of Freeman as a gatekeeper for U.S. intelligence is a very disturbing matter.
From the look of the piece, 'disturbing' is an understatement. And Obama wants him in charge of the NIC?

Just bloody wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this just gets better every day. I can hardly wait until Farrakhan is chosen to be the ambassador to Israel... or, in other words, his next dimwitted choice.


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