Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mark Steyn describes the 'stimulus' manure pile

and Pres. The Lightworker Obama's knowledge and skills:
To be sure, the present state of the economy is an “event,” and has blown many governments around the world off course. But again: The hideous drooling blob of toxic pustules dignified as “stimulus” is something the incoming Obama had months to prepare for, with oodles of bipartisan goodwill and fawning press coverage to waft him along. Instead he chose to outsource it to Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, and the rest of the congressional pork barons. So that too is not an “event” but merely, like his cabinet picks, a matter of judgment and executive competence.

Put plainly: we have a incompetent, arrogant socialist in the White House, and the mess is going to get far worse.

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