Monday, February 02, 2009

The Governor of Oklahoma has been studying at the alter

of President The Obama, it seems. He gave his State of the State address this afternoon at the opening of the session. Following my usual practice I turned the radio off for most of it, but when I turned the volume up a couple of times to see if he was done, I caught two things:
First, lots of pushing for the state to basically take over health care. He didn't put it that bluntly, but that's what it seemed to boil down to.
Second, you can tell that Republicans have majorities in both Houses as he(D) called for 'an end to partisanship, and said(can't remember the exact words)"You can do things that get the approval of bloggers and talk radio, or you can do what's good for the state."

Governor, if by chance you or one of your flunkies reads this: As you can tell, I'm a blogger, and your slimy insinuation that I do not care what's good for the state is disgusting. There's a guy named Shannon who has an afternoon show on KTOK; your insinuation that he doesn't care about what's good for Oklahoma is equally disgusting. I don't agree with everything he says any more than I agree 100% with Rush or Glenn Beck, but he's saying what he thinks, and a lot of people do agree with him(them) on a lot of things. We've got to put up with the President trying to silence dissent, we don't need to have to put up with it from you. And that bit of crap you threw out has gained a 'Idiot Politicians' tag on this post.


  1. Good luck with state health care. They pushed it through here in Massachusetts and within two years it was over budget and growing. . .
    What a mess. . . and we give it to Illegals now too and it is mandatory you have it, whether or not you can afford it even at the states discount. . .

  2. Wow. I guess the only thing I knew about OK politics is their two senators are the only politicians I can think of that I wouldn't gleefully string up.

    I would never have guessed that you had a Dem governor.

  3. Yeah. On some things he's not bad, for instance signed the 'you can't take peoples guns just because there's a disaster' bill no problem; and then he comes out with crap like this.
