Friday, February 27, 2009

Carbine ammo and current news...

they just seem to go together somehow.

I called my Rep. Fallin and Sen. Inhofe's offices today to ask if they'd heard about the State Department trying to ban ammo imports(thus screwing gun owners while avoiding making Congress take a stand); neither had heard of it, so hopefully started some problems for it there. Thanks to Random Nuclear Strikes, two helpful links I just noticed:
House Contacts
Senate Contacts

I posted the other day on the Jew hater being picked by Obama to head the NIC; today Insty posted this comment he received:

It is kind of hard to get too exercised over his appointment as it relates to Israel in light of the following:

Barack Obama wins 77 percent of Jewish vote, exit polls show

As Obamas favorite pastor might say : “The chickens are coming home to roooost”

Elections have consequences…

He he he he he... they do indeed.

Holder joked, “What the president said during the campaign, you will be surprised to know, will be consistent with what we will be doing here in law enforcement.” After a bit of laughter, he repeated, “What he said during the campaign is now American policy.”
Really? Which part of what he said? I mean, since he lies so much about things, it's hard to know.
The first is that, like Glenn Reynolds, I think that every second that the Department of Justice spends hassling medical pot clubs is a second that they’re not investigating crooked politicians or lobbyists, and frankly these days I’d rather that they concentrate on that sort of thing. We have long since passed the point where a public official with his hand out is doing more to adversely influence my personal quality of life than some guy with a prescription to smoke weed. Or even a “prescription.”

The second is: dude. When your own Cabinet members are mocking you for your inability to keep a campaign promise…

If I actually thought Holder would do serious investigations and prosecutions of said politicians and lobbyists, I might like him a lot more; but I don't believe he will; he'd be putting too many Obama contacts and too much of the Evil Party in jail.

As to the ammo, I now have 100 rounds of my Varminter version .30 Carbine in the box. Which will last a while(barring disaster); I shoot it occasionally to make sure the sights are zeroed, and use other stuff for general practice. Cast loads at the indoor range, and at the outdoor I often shoot Wolf. I know a lot of people have had problems with it; aside from an occasional stovepipe, it's shot well for me and been surprisingly accurate. And it doesn't matter when I lose the cases, since they can't be reloaded.

Speaking of ammo, one of the idiotic points of what Holder said the other day is that not only is AP ammo already banned from us peasants, but if it's being smuggled into Mexico from the US, it's being stolen from/bought from police or military supplies; I wonder if the fearless Holder is investigating that?

But not to worry; Mrs. Obama is bringing the fashion industry to the fore to distract the jobless from their plight.
What makes all of this noteworthy, of course, is that it is taking place against the backdrop of widespread economic misery. As millions of Americans worry about losing their jobs, the first lady is celebrated on the cover of Wintour’s magazine, Vogue, where it is suggested that her "ardent championing of new names in American design" has caused some to call her the "new Jackie Kennedy."

Why not Nancy Reagan? Mrs. Reagan's husband also took office amid an inherited economic crisis, and she quickly became the subject of sometimes bitter criticism for her fondness for high fashion — for "exercising her opulent tastes in an economy that is inflicting hardship on so many," in the words of a 1981 New York Times article
And let us not forget the screaming and bitching about the clothing Sarah Palin bought for the campaign. Which she turned back in afterward for donation to charity.

I think dinner's done; more later.

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