Friday, February 13, 2009

About my description of McCain a couple of posts ago

and my generally deteriorating language.

Not one damn excuse do I make. I wrote once about how these bastards insist on having their ass kissed, and how so many people go along with it. Some quite eagerly. Many of them get too damn used to being one of 'The Most Exclusive Club In The World', which has brought us such shining lights of bullshit as Sen. John Effing Kerry, and Sen. Charles Hypocrite Schumer and Rep. Charles Tax-Cheat-In-Charge Rangel. And let us not forget Vice-President Biden, who wants to arrange it so his son can walk into the Senate seat he used to hold; bastard seems to think it belongs to him to hand down.

I am sick of every God-damned one of them. And my language has deteriorated as my rage has grown. I'm not apologizing for it.

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