Sunday, January 18, 2009

'A world without guns' would be a very scary place,

but the fact some people think you could do it is even scarier.
Perhaps a global prohibition law isn't good enough. Maybe imposing the harshest penalty possible for violation of such a law will give it real teeth: mandatory life in prison for possession of a gun, or even for possession of a single bullet. (We won't imagine the death penalty, since the Yoko crowd doesn't like the death penalty.)

On second thought, Jamaica's Gun Court Act of 1974 contained just such a penalty, and even that wasn't sufficient. On August 18, 2001, Jamaican Melville Cooke observed that today, "the only people who do not have an illegal firearm [in this country], are those who do not want one." Violent crime in Jamaica is worse than ever, as gangsters and trigger-happy police commit homicides with impunity, and only the law-abiding are disarmed

And that doesn't even count workshops:
Just take the case of Bougainville, the largest island in the South Pacific's Solomon Islands chain. Bougainville was the site of a bloody, decade-long secessionist uprising against domination by the government of Papua New Guinea, aided and abetted by the Australian government. The conflict there was the longest-running confrontation in the Pacific since the end of World War II, and caused the deaths of 15,000 to 20,000 islanders.

During the hostilities, which included a military blockade of the island, one of the goals was to deprive the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) of its supply of arms. The tactic failed: the BRA simply learned how to make its own guns using materiel and ammunition left over from the War.

In fact, at the United Nations Asia Pacific Regional Disarmament Conference held in Spring 2001, it was quietly admitted that the BRA, within ten years of its formation, had managed to manufacture a production copy of the M16 automatic rifle and other machine guns. (That makes one question the real intent behind the U.N. Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects, which followed several months later: the U.N. leadership can't be so daft as to fail to recognize the implications for world disarmament after learning of the success of the Bougainville Revolutionary Army.)

If they can, what could someone like Og, or any good machinist, turn out? Uh-oh, have to license milling machines and drill presses and lathes and tubing suitable for barrels and constant surveillance of what goes in and what goes out to make sure all steel's accounted for... which ain't gonna work, either.

Good article, which I hadn't seen before. Read it all.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Without guns, might makes right, and to paraphrase another aphorism, in the land of no guns, the muscular and young males are king. Might would be measured by muscle, not law.
    The song says "how many times must the cannon balls fly before they're forever banned. . ."
    Who's going to ban them? How will they enforce the ban without cannon balls?
    The custodians might need some cannon balls, and then who watches the watchers?
