Monday, January 26, 2009

Someone else who says Geithner is full of crap

on his "I forgot" excuse on not paying taxes:
Whether Timothy Geithner, who is the architect of this program, is up to it is a big question. Whether he’s up to be secretary of the treasury, quite frankly, is a big question because that tax problem he had is not the minor blip in the road that they’re suggesting it is. I worked at the World Bank under the same payment system that he had at the IMF. I helped negotiate this thing. Those institutions do not pay – employees do not have to pay taxes at those institutions. Americans do.

What the World Bank does, what the IMF does also, is they gross up the salaries of the employees – of the American employees so that they can pay their taxes, Geithner had to deliberately agree to that arrangement. How he could not recognize that he had had a tax liability is beyond me.

That sounds like a pretty polite way of saying 'bullshit' to me.

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