Sunday, January 11, 2009

So The Obama & Co. don't have the balls to say

what they want to do, so they're trying to find ways to talk around it. As in "We're going to lie our faces off."
David Axelrod, Obama’s chief political adviser, along with campaign media adviser Jim Margolis, are encouraging lawmakers to use the word “recovery” instead of recession and “investment” instead of “infrastructure.” Those recommendations came from focus-group research indicating that such framing would make the package more appealing to voters.
Kind of like Bill Clinton calling tax increases 'increased contributions to government'.

Reinforcing the message, Obama said yesterday the U.S. risks sinking deeper into an economic crisis without an infusion of government spending and a cut in tax rates. He urged Congress to act quickly on a stimulus package.
"Don't give them time to think, dammit, tell them we have to do it NOW! It worked for the Pork Payoff & Bribes Bailout bill!"

Obama officials are using polling data to determine how to frame the economic proposals for voters and what language should be used, Gibbs said. They want to know “how America reacts” to the president-elect’s stimulus proposals and the public’s “attitudes toward the economy,” he said.
Sondra beat me to my reaction to this crap: “Action” with torches, pitchforks, rope and trees.

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