Monday, January 12, 2009

The shed is now further proof against high winds,

with a bunch of lead ingots spread around the edges. I had some time today and called around and found a salvage yard that had wheel weights for $.30/pound, so I bought a load. I also bought some lead pipe. After melting, fluxing, removing the wheel clips and the zinc weights(probably snuck in from some place like the People's Republic of Massachusetts)(and it's nice they float in lead) I have about 62 pounds of wheel weight metal, and 22 pounds of pure. Which translates to lots and lots of bullets down the road. Wheel weights make great rifle bullets and are also good for pistol bullets in loads you want to push velocity up on; the pure is for the muzzleloader, and you can also use it to dilute the wheel weights to soften the metal up a bit.

In further news, the fronts are about to kill me. It'll get up into the upper 50's-low 60's for a couple of days, then another cold front comes in. It was about 50 this afternoon; it'll be about 24 tonight. This has two effects that are the primary problem:
First, when the wind's out of the south it blows every allergen in Texas up here, triggering apparently allergic reactions I never had before the last couple of years, and
Second, when the cold fronts come in every joint in my lowerbody, from hips to knees, tell me about it. For that matter, sometimes they forecast it by anywhere from hours to a day or so.
As you might imagine, this sucks.

Speaking of sucking, somebody had a link to this fine example of a miserable little offspring of a STD-riddled whore warrior of islam:
A car arrived with more patients. One was a 21-year-old man with shrapnel in his left leg who demanded quick treatment. He turned out to be a militant with Islamic Jihad. He was smiling a big smile.

“Hurry, I must get back so I can keep fighting,” he told the doctors.

He was told that there were more serious cases than his, that he needed to wait. But he insisted. “We are fighting the Israelis,” he said. “When we fire we run, but they hit back so fast. We run into the houses to get away.” He continued smiling.

“Why are you so happy?” this reporter asked. “Look around you.”

A girl who looked about 18 screamed as a surgeon removed shrapnel from her leg. An elderly man was soaked in blood. A baby a few weeks old and slightly wounded looked around helplessly. A man lay with parts of his brain coming out. His family wailed at his side.

“Don’t you see that these people are hurting?” the militant was asked.

“But I am from the people, too,” he said, his smile incandescent. “They lost their loved ones as martyrs. They should be happy. I want to be a martyr, too.”

Miserable fucking sorry little excuse for a man, and with maybe one diseased brain cell left. I'd explain to him that they lost their loved ones because he and the other jihidis are shits and cowards who like to get civilians killed, but if he has enough working intelligence to understand it, he'd probably take it as a compliment. As for his compatriots, who seem to be of the same 'hide behind civilians' mindset:
He said Hamas militants next to his apartment building had fired mortar and rocket rounds. Israel fired back with force, and his apartment was hit. His wife, Albina, originally from Ukraine, and his 1-year-old son were killed.
And Hamas and the effing useless UN and the EUnuchs will wail and whine about the evil Zionists 'attacking our women and children'.

Speaking of miserable little shits(why yes, my language is deteriorating tonight), ACORN, also known as 'those vote-stealing bastards', want to restrict ammo sales. For The Children, you know.

I heard part of Bush's last press conference this morning. Before I turned it off, I heard basically the same justification for the Pork, Payoffs & Bribes Bailout Bill I got from my Rep. and Sen.(who I'm still pissed at, and I have informed them so, though in reasonably polite language: "They scared me, and I had to do something!" Which is supposed to excuse the "I believe in the free market, but-" crap. Oh, and I did make it partway through the "The Stupid Party has to be more stupidThe Republican Party has to be more 'inclusive' " before I turned it off. I give him full credit for having the balls to fight the war; that doesn't excuse this other stuff.

Hell. It's getting late, I'm tired and ache, and I'm going to bed.

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