Wednesday, January 21, 2009

No, I didn't watch the Ascension,

just like I didn't watch either of Bush 43's, or Clintons or anyone else; I generally don't watch political speeches by anyone unless there's a particular reason to. I've come to despise virtually all politicians, in particular the career ones.

I couldn't miss all the noise; the vet has a flat-screen in the waiting area and every damn channel had the mess in DC on. From what I've been reading, about what I expected:
Not nearly as many as the Obama suckups were breathlessly hoping for;
At least one speech on the expected "Maybe now whites will let people of color get ahead" bullcrap,
Every weenie who got in front of a camera speaking of how they 'HAD to be here for the glorious historical event',
And the Inaugural Speech that was full of platitudes, full of "America needs to be remade!"(bite me, dumbass, no it doesn't), and managed to cause the market to drop. Again.

I do wonder what's going to happen with some major media dumbass finally decides to start action like a reporter and starts actually asking uncomfortable questions and wanting answers; will he be excommunicated? Will his fellow 'journalists' allow him to continue to live, or will he disappear into a basement? Or will some of the others, realizing how badly they've screwed the pooch on this, start actually doing something? It's going to happen eventually; if nothing else someone will decide that doing so will set them apart from the pack and get more audience.

The dog seems to be a bit better. This morning got the pill to keep her from throwing up(blood tests indicated she had been), a supplement(she may someday forgive me for making her take these two), and when I opened a can of the special food and she got a sniff, first real interest she's shown in food for two days. Gave her half, she ate it, drank, and over about a half hour showed no sign of upchucking, so gave her the other half. Currently, she's stretched out sleeping in the sun, so I'm hoping she's turned the corner.

Yes, as a matter of fact, how she's doing is far more important to me than The Obama.

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