Saturday, January 31, 2009

The next 'journalist' who parrots an excuse for Obama-appointee tax crimes

should immediately be tarred and feathered. And the next time some sorry excuse for a reporter or Pelosi or any other politician makes snotty comments about the 'Republican culture of corruption', they should be next. Or first. I am, to put it bluntly God-Damned sick of this.

Contrast that to Daschle's freebie car and driver. First, there is no theory that his wife insisted that Daschle be chauffered around. Second, there is no ambiguity in the law, or no theory that he did not know that he owed the money. It is obviously an in-kind payment for services. Of course he knew he owed the taxes. Finally, there is no tedious extra bureaucratic obstacle to paying this tax. You just drop a number right on to the 1040. You know, that document that you signed under penalty of perjury. Yep, you got it. Mistakes are obvious and when it comes to the tax laws I am more than sympathetic to people who make them, but it is very hard for me to believe that this was one. Genuinely intentional misstatements on a tax return usually require penance more onorous than mere restitution.
Secretary of Health and Human Services nominee Tom Daschle has an even bigger tax problem than Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner: Daschle paid more than $140,000 in taxes and interest on January 2, 2009 for three tax mistakes he made on his 2005-2007 tax returns comprising over $350,000 of omitted income and overstated deductions that were uncovered in the vetting process:
  • Failing to report over $255,000 of income from the free use of a car and chauffer provided to him in 2005-2007 by InterMedia Partners, a private equity fund and its managing partner, Leo Hindery, Jr., a prominent Democratic fund-raiser.
  • Failing to report over $80,000 of consulting income from the same source in 2007.
  • Failing to properly substantiate $15,000 of charitable deductions in 2005-2007.

The Senate Finance Committee staff also notes that there are two unresolved tax issues:

  • Free travel and entertainment services provided to the Daschles by EduCap, Inc., Catherine B. Reynolds Foundation, Academy Achievement, and Loan to Learn.
  • Additional unsubstantiated charitable contributions for 2005-2007

As a life-long politician, Tom Daschle never earned much money. But he retired from the Senate, after being defeated for re-election by John Thune, as a multimillionaire. He retired to Georgetown, of course, not to South Dakota. This happens a lot in Washington, and Daschle's case is pretty typical.

His wife Linda is or was a lobbyist, and she was the one who reported the family's income. (This is inference, since Daschle consistently chose not to make his tax returns public.) Linda Daschle made millions "lobbying" on behalf of various corporate interests. There was no conflict of interest, the Democrats assured us, because Linda Daschle only "lobbied" the House of Representatives, not the Senate, where her husband was either the Majority or the Minority Leader for much of his career.

But wait! If a company hired Linda to lobby House members, the check they wrote went straight into the Senate Majority Leader's joint checking account. It would have been a felony to write the check to Tom in exchange for political services, but a check to Linda, that went into the same bank account? No problem! She wasn't lobbying the Senate! So Tom Daschle became a multimillionaire
The principal issues that Daschle is now rectifying with the IRS stem from his relationship with InterMedia Advisors of Englewood, Colo. Daschle is a limited partner and chairman of that firm's executive advisory board, and is also an independent consultant to InterMedia Advisors LLP of New York City.

InterMedia Advisors was founded by Leo Hindery, who, as we noted here, was once the CEO of Global Crossing, a company that enriched a number of prominent Democrats, including Terry McAuliffe, but also turned into one of the biggest bankruptcies in the history of American business, in which creditors and innocent investors lost many millions of dollars. Hindery subsequently ran for Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, served on the Board of Advisors of left-wing Democracy Radio, and was awarded the "Oates-Shrum Leadership Award of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund." In his spare time, he's been funneling cash to Daschle.

And Michelle Malkin has this, including a list of the Bend-Over 'Republicans'(here, more than every, the Stupid Party) likely to make excuses for this tax cheat, just like they did the other:
Corker (R-TN)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Crapo (R-ID)
Ensign (R-NV)
Graham (R-SC)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hatch (R-UT)
Shelby (R-AL)
Snowe (R-ME)
Voinovich (R-OH)

So the guy in charge of the tax-writing committee is a tax cheat, the guy now in charge of the Treasury is a tax cheat and liar, and now Tom "I'm very concerned" Daschle, another Obama pick for high office, is a bigger tax cheat than either of the other two. Not counting, of course, whatever dirty activities they got away with other than these. And, for the sake of President The Obama we're supposed to applaud these criminals going into high office after getting to skip the penalties any plain old peasant would face ALONG with swallowing the shit sandwich of a spending bill they want to cram down our throats.

I'm beginning to wonder if there are enough lampposts in DC; how sturdy are cherry tree branches?

Back on the subject of the shit sandwich, Insty has a post on people mad at FEMA over how long it's taking for FEMA to show up, and notes somebody named Taylor Marsh saying
“Well, this certainly seems fitting in the afterglow of Republican stiffing the new, popular President, all the while people are freezing because of a failed power grid. Nope, can’t spend money on that.” Apparently the concept of 'the spending bill The Obama is pushing doesn't have a damned thing to do with this' just doesn't register; probably because ignoring that means "IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!!!" in her twisted little mind. I went to her site to see the whole of this piece of sh- er, work, to find a 'system maintenance in progress' message. Which seems good timing if it's regular maintenance, and a way of avoiding criticism if it's not.

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