Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The news makes it real easy to bitch about crooked politicians

because A: there's so many of them and B: so many are in the news right now.

We've got a nominee to head the Treasury Department who didn't pay taxes. We've got a congressman writing tax law who didn't pay taxes. We've got a Senator getting sweetheart deals on mortgages and trying to make it go away. We've got a nominee for Attorney General who helped pardon terrorists and wants to trash the 2nd Amendment(if nothing else, trying to trash a part of the Constitution you're swearing to protect and uphold ought to disqualify him).

And we've got Pelosi and Reid doing everything they can to make it all go away so the Annointed One can Ascend without any unseemly questions and noise.

Just one little meteor hitting DC a the right time...

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