Saturday, January 17, 2009

'The most ethical Congress EVAH!'

Late last year, that media herd was feasting on Rangel himself, grilling the New York Democrat about an ever-expanding ethics probe into his personal finances and his fundraising efforts for a nonprofit.

That ethics cloud still hangs over Rangel, but colleagues say it’s not limiting his ability to negotiate a sweeping package of tax cuts being pushed by President-elect Barack Obama.

“Charlie has been fully involved,” said Washington Rep. Jim McDermott, a Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee and a longtime Rangel ally
That would be Baghdad Jim, who went to suck up to Saddam Hussein before the invasion. Major dirtbag himself. And there's Sen. Dodd, still stonewalling releasing those documents he says will 'prove he did no wrong'. And how many others?

Like the nominee for head of the Treasury who cheated on taxes. From what I've been reading, this was not a "I didn't understand that part of the tax code" thing; he signed a statement specifically noting 'this money is to pay your taxes with' and then didn't. For years. Among other little things he didn't bother with. Again, you or I did this, either we'd be in front of a judge entering a plea or the IRS would have seized what we own to auction off. This clown? "It was a simple mistake, it's been corrected, it wasn't much money after all,' etc. ad bullcrap.

One nice thing I will say about the Stupid Party is people who get caught cheating on taxes and such, generally pay a price for it. Whereas the Evil Party does everything possible to excuse them and keep them in power. And these are the people The Lightworker Obama is depending on in his plans to screw us over for the 'common good', i.e. 'To bring full socialism to America'.

And Rangel is still trying to push his reinstatement of the draft, too. Y'know, the plan he pretty much admitted was a backdoor way to try to cripple the U.S. military?

Ropes, lampposts, politicians...

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