Friday, January 30, 2009

Lots of stuff out there, crooked politicians and the crap sandwich

they want us to eat now! or the world will fall apart. Some of this one makes me think some people would like to pin a lot of the bullcrap on Emanuel so as to keep Pres. The Obama looking pristine. Which may well be part of his job. I don't buy it, Obama's in this crap up to his ears, but it does give them a way to try to deflect it.

The Pork, Payoffs & Bribes BailoutStimulus Bill, i.e. the crap sandwich the Evil Party wants to shove down our throats, turns out to include ways to try and bring back the pre-reform welfare state.
But, thanks to the simple phrase slipped into the legislation, the new "stimulus" bill abolishes the limits on the amount of federal money for the so-called Emergency Fund, which ships welfare cash to states.

"Out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, there are appropriated such sums as are necessary for payment to the Emergency Fund," Democrats wrote in Section 2101 on Page 354 of the $819 billion bill. In other words, the only limit on welfare payments would be the Treasury itself.

"This re-establishes the welfare state and creates dependency all over the place," said one startled budget analyst after reading the line.

In addition to reopening the floodgates of dependency on federal welfare programs, the change once again deepens the dependency of state governments on the federal government
Gee, now why wouldn't the administration and their pet media say anything about this, hmmm?

A media guy saying there are problems with how the Obama administration is dealing with the press, while it's being pointed out- again- that there's also a problem with the media not asking questions at all in many cases. At least not that they'll actually, y'know, report to us.

Speaking of crooked politicians, Sen. Dodd still hasn't released those documents, while he keeps accusing other people of things.

And let's take a look at crooked judges, and the people who won't speak of what party they belong to:
If the allegations are true, Ciavarella and Conahan were involved in a disgraceful cabal far worse than one that merely lined their pockets.

First, the judges helped the detention centers land a county contract worth $58 million. Then their alleged scheme was to guarantee the operators a steady income by detaining juveniles, often on petty stuff.

Many of the kids were railroaded, according to allegations lodged with the state Supreme Court last year by the Philadelphia-based Juvenile Law Center, an advocacy group.

In asking the court to intervene in April, the law center cited hundreds of examples where teens accused of minor mischief were pressured to waive their right to lawyers, and then shipped to a detention center.

One teen was given a 90-day sentence for having parodied a school administrator online. Such unwarranted detentions left "both children and parents feeling bewildered, violated and traumatized," center lawyers said
Hell with disbarment and jail, this cries out for a whipping post, followed by tar and feathers. Then being beaten by the parents of the kids railroaded into jail.

Blackfive has a post on a story that somebody started that the armed forces were going to have to start swearing loyalty to the President, not the Constitution. From what B5 says, the story is bullcrap. What's kind of interesting is the number of people willing to believe Pres. The Obama might try to order such. I know why some would believe it; but that it got a fair amount of traction is a bit surprising. Maybe it shouldn't be. Besides his apparent general contempt for the military, he just had the shocking experience of a military judge telling him "No":
''On its face, the request to delay the arraignment is not reasonable,'' the judge, Army Col. James Pohl, wrote in his three-page ruling denying a prosecution request to delay Nashiri's first court appearance.
''The public interest in a speedy trial will be harmed by the delay in the arraignment,'' Pohl also wrote.

He noted that unless Congress amended the 2006 Military Commissions Act, ``the commission is bound by the law as it currently exists not as it may change in the future.''

McQ says he'd like this to get a lot of publicity to prevent the chance of the President or people in his administration trying to screw the Colonel over. I agree.

And, on a non-political note, Redoubt in Alaska seems to be building to another eruption, and so many people tried to hit the Observatory site they crashed the server. The first victim of the eruption, it would seem.

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