Saturday, January 31, 2009

I haven't whacked on (fG)Britain in a while, so

let's start with a chaplain who drops the Creed
Sandhurst military academy has dropped the Church of England Creed from services over fears that it may offend religious minorities.
Cadets do NOT have to attend, and yet he does this. To prevent giving offense to non-believers. The chaplain apparently has no balls, and the required 'PC at any cost' attitude that seems to be required in (fG)Britain nowadays. Or just no damn brains.

A big problem in British schools, which far too many socialist moron teachers and school brass over here are pushing us into as well:
...In a discussion about the profound failure of the Government's £5 billion adult literacy drive, an unfortunate young man who was struggling in the world of work because of his inability to read properly was interviewed about the lack of help he had received. The crash almost came when it was mentioned, in passing, that he had seven GCSEs.

Now I do not wish to be problematical, but could somebody tell me this: how in God's name does someone get seven GCSEs if he can't read? Is not much that is wrong with our suffering country revealed at a stroke by that admission? Does it not reflect the dismal nature of our schools, the dismal nature of what passes for public qualifications, and above all the dismal nature of the educationalists who have made such an absurdity of the GCSE system and the politicians who endorse them?

Yes, it does. But the socialists are in charge, and they don't care what damage they do to your(or our)country because they want it absorbed into the Great Collective where Big Nanny will take care of you. And don't you dare protest about it.

Uncle notes PSH in Britain over a picture. Which the paper can't look at without letting their bigotry run wild.

I just found this crap at Hell in a Handbasket, and had to add it in. As he notes, the headline speaks of 'tackling internet knife gangs', but there are no gangs, just somebody's web page:
Young trainee officers at Strathclyde Police search social networking sites for pictures of people posing with weapons, mainly knives.
"We're looking for anyone who is brandishing offensive weapons or blades," Holly told Newsbeat.

"We take the date, the time, detail of what's in the photograph, [then] a copy of the photograph is printed out and thereafter it's all sent to the gangs task force unit."

That's when more experienced officers in the Violence Reduction Unit at Strathclyde Police get involved.
And what do they do?
The man in charge of this, Superintendent Bob Hamilton, says there are two ways of dealing with people once they've been tracked down.

If they were posing in a public place, like on the street or a park, the law has been broken and they'll be arrested.

Even when pictures are taken in private, though, which isn't technically breaking the law, he says the weapons are so dangerous his officers pay a visit to the people involved
"You haven't broken the law, but we don't like what you're doing! So here we are to threatenscare you into being a good little peasant."

"We show the parents their pictures," he explained, "recover the weapons and make sure they know that behaviour is unacceptable.
"We steal private property just because we don't like them having it and threaten them for daring to step outside the template." So posing for a picture with something you legally own is 'unacceptable' and worth of having your property stolen.

Superintendent Hamilton says Operation Access has been a complete success.
"We've questioned more than 400 people, most of them teenagers, as part of it and it's worked so well it will carry on indefinitely," he said
'A complete success' translates to 'giving people a criminal record for posing with an object, and stealing private property because it offends us." Yeah, that's a real success for the Nanny State, it is.

As James says, Let us consider this as yet another reason why I thank God every day that I was born an American.

And last, an 83-year-old man with balls takes on a robber, while a bunch of males with none stand around and refuse to help. Which is just the perfect ending, and brings back the question "Hey, Brits; what the HELL happened to you?"

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